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March 3rd- Jacksonville, FL USA Coliseum, May 13th-New Haven, CT, USA Coliseum

"...Joey was above me!"-Saling, "This girl next to me fell back into her chair and started bawling"(outcry)

      "The one on March 3rd was one of their best concerts that I've been to it was their 1st concert of their "Ain't no stoppin' us now" tour and so we were the first ones to see it! I was so excited, they came out in their neon suits and did a dance w/ this really big monster/robot thing and then they danced with these flourescent poles (that was cool) They did a 60's- 90's thing that was cool! I liked when they sung "that thing you do" Joey was playing the drums!! Then they performed most of their songs and during "Sailing" they flew out over the audience! (Joey was above me :P) That was really cool! Anyways like always it was an awesome show! But the may 13 show was sad because after Tatyana Ali & Blaque came on 'Nsync's manager came out on the stage and said that Lance had been put into the hospital!! You should've seen the audience every body started screaming and this girl next to me fell back into her chair and started bawling but I thought they still did a pretty good job! Before the show started though the manager asked if u would please not throw things on stage so i threw my little present at one of the security guards and he sat it on the stage! Also unfortunately none of the Nsync guys waved at me or smiled at me or anything but Reuben waved to me and smiled so I guess that's good enough!! "


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