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Christine Chapel's Photo

Christine Chapel
Majel Barrett Roddenberry - 1932-2008
We love you and will miss you a great deal

Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Christine Chapel
Not Available
Nursing School, Starfleet Medical


  • 2266 - Brevet Ensign/Nurse
  • 2267 - Head Nurse
  • 2271 - Lieutenant/CMO
  • 2286 - Commander

Christine's Friends:

  • Nyota Uhura - Christine became good friends with Uhura when she decided to stay with the U.S.S. Enterprise under the command of James T. Kirk.
  • McCoy - She became Dr. McCoy's friend also when she decided to stay with the Enterprise and also became nurse.

Men in Christine's life:

  • Dr. Roger Korby (fiance) - Christine joined the U.S.S. Enterprise in search of her beloved Dr. Korby who was missing for five years ever since his last communication from the planet Exo III. In 2266, she found Dr. Korby on Exo III only to find out that the Korby she knew and loved was not more. She discovered that Dr. Korby had transferred his consciousness in an android built to look like him.

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