I made myself a snowball, as perfect as could be, I thought I'd keep it as a pet, and let it sleep with me. I made it some pajamas, and a pillow for it's head, then last night it ran away, but first--it wet the bed.
Hey, I'm Susan. I don't really know what to say on here, but ya know what, it doesn't matter much I spose. Anyway, I turned 20 on February 17, and I have 3 sisters. 2 older, 1 younger. Bobbi is 28, her birthday is on the 25 of January. Jackie's 23, her birthday's on October 5. And Kathy's 18, her birthday's April 16. I'm VERY taken by the most wonderful man ever, his name's Dan, and I love him with all my heart and soul. He makes me happier then anyone ever has and I hope to be with him for the rest of my life. I also have a beautiful little boy that I love more then words can express, he's my entire world, I love you Shane.
Aight, the things I like. Hmmm..I love MUSIC. I listen to;
So I believe that'd be my whole list pretty much, if I think of anything else, then I'll put it in here, k?If you'd like to contact me, I have ICQ, My UIN is 5399406 and I have AIM, my nick on there is suz187.(o= Líñk§ =o)
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Email: stucco3_5@hotmail.com