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Windows Tips 'n Tricks

Tips n Tricks

FOR WINDOWS '95 & '98

Windows Shut down Icon:

You can put a shut down icon on your desktop... This is a simple one step shut-down that makes it easier to turn off your computer with one click. It works on windows 95 & 98.


Right click on desktop and choose "new" then "shortcut" to create a new desktop shortcut and put the following
into the command line: (you can copy and paste this)

C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL.EXE user.exe,exitwindows

Click "Next"

Then name it "SHUT DOWN double click"

now click finish, ok or apply


Speed Up Your Internet Surfing

Did you ever wish you didn't have to wait so long for web pages to load in your browser? Do you dream of surfing the net as fast as your modem will allow? Well there's a little known secret in Windows 98 that will allow you to speed up that connection. Here's the explanation, and what you need to do.

There is a system setting in the Windows 98 Registry called MaxMTU. MTU stands for Maximum Transmission Unit. The MTU is the size of the chunk of data that travels from your PC through your modem and to the internet. The Windows 98 default is 1500 character. This is fine for most large scale corporate networks, but when you go to the Internet, the equipment responsible for routing your data to the correct destination uses an Internet Standard MTU of 576. That means that your data packet has to be broken down into smaller pieces and reassembled at the destination computer. The same is true of the response that is sent back to your PC. You actually spend more time assembling and disassembling packets than processing the data for display on your screen. Here's how you can adjust the MTU to match the Internet standard:


1 - Click on Start
2 - Select RUN
3 - Type REGEDIT and hit Return
4 - From the "Edit" menu, select FIND
5 - Enter MAXMTU in the text area
6 - Click OK
7 - When you find the key, double click on it's value in the right hand pane.
8 - Change the value of 1500 to 576
9 - Click ok, and exit the Registry editor.

The next time you boot your PC and access the Internet with your modem, note the performance improvement.



To create an icon in Win95 - 98, simply select a *.bmp-file that you find
suitable. Change the extension from .BMP to .ICO. That is all there is
to it.


**Restart Windows in a flash**

when to use this.. ok say you install a program and in order for you to
use it... you have to restart your puter.. or when you get an error...
use this tip because it refreshes the registry.. so it's like you
started from scratch.. but it saves you a LOT of time...



•"Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete to bring up the Close Program dialog box.

In this dialog, select Explorer and click on End Task.

Explorer is the Windows 95 "Shell" so the system assumes you are trying
to quit Win95 and displays the Shut Down dialog.

Click on NO.

Then another box will pop up, and there you select End Task.

This will shut down the Explorer "Shell". But what actually will happen
is you will see your Desktop rebuild itself in a matter of a handful of
seconds (literally). Windows 95 cannot properly run without Explorer, so
it automatically restarts Explorer, rereading the entire Registry in the

•So, this last "quickie" you may use especially if you are in the middle
of a hot n' heavy Registry editing session, and would rather not waste
an eternity waiting for the changes to take effect during all those
endless reboots."


Registry Anti Hacking Tweaks

The bad news is that windows(98) has a built in bit that allows outsiders (basicaly any site) to manipulate, read and write to your registry, it's called REGWIZC.DLL (registry wizard control module), the good news is that you can turn it off, and here is how to go about it:

goto - taskbar/start menu/run

- copy and paste the following line into the run field: regsvr32.exe -u c:\windows\system\regwizc.dll - press ok, you should get a popup message confirming you're action.

if you decide to allow outsiders to get into your registry (and I can't see why you should, but there you go), do the following:

- copy and paste the following line into the run field: regsvr32.exe -c c:\windows\system\regwizc.dll

- press ok and U'll get a popup message confirming your action.

There You Go, Now You Are Safe!!!

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