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Establishing shot of the station.


Lockley is working on the hull in an environment suit. She has a small spot-welder that throws out blue sparks.

Lockley: I'm almost done here, a few more minutes and I'm coming in.

Corwin: (on comm) Acknowledged.

Lockley welds some more spots. Heavy bass music begins to play. Lockley looks around, shrugs, then turns back. Suddenly she's pulled backward by the umbilicus connecting her suit to Babylon 5. Something huge and invisible snatches her off the hull and into space.


Garibaldi sits at a console, toying impatiently with a pen. Zack enters, carrying a waste disposal bag. He looks slightly sick.

Garibaldi: Well, did you find the Captain?

Zack: We had to do some DNA typing to be sure, but yeah, we did.

Garibaldi: DNA typing? What are you talkin' about, Zack?

Zack: (opens bag) Just take a look, okay?

Garibaldi looks in the bag, claps a hand over his mouth, and runs to the nearest recycler tube.

Garibaldi: (gags) Is that her arm?

Zack: Fingerprints are a match, DNA is a match. It's her all right.

Garibaldi: My God. What happened to her? Did Franklin get a look at that...?

Zack: Yeah, I ran it past him. He doesn't know. Says it could be any extreme trauma.

Garibaldi: Any extreme trauma, hell. Get me the observation tapes for the time Lockley disappeared.

Zack: What are you looking for, Chief?

Garibaldi: I'll know when I find it.


Sheridan is seated behind the desk. Garibaldi is trying to control his temper.

Garibaldi: Look, Mr. President, Captain, you've got to close the station.

Sheridan: Why? Because Lockley had an accident? You know how clumsy she always was. Besides, the show's ratings plunged when I gave up this job.

Garibaldi: Look at this! (Garibaldi displays a holo. It clearly shows Lockley, with something spiky and barely visible sneaking up on her.) Recognize it?

Sheridan: (dubiously) It could be anything.

Garibaldi: It's a Shadow.

Sheridan: Michael, there are no Shadows left. They went beyond the Rim!

Garibaldi: It's big, it's ugly and it eats people. That makes it a Shadow in my book.

Sheridan: Shadows don't eat people. Pak'Ma'Ra eat people.

Garibaldi: That's good. Why don't you put it on a bumper sticker. (Beat) Look, if you close the station now, we can still save Zooty Day.

Sheridan: Zooty Day? Michael, the Brakiri Day of the Dead is this weekend! It's the biggest tourist weekend of the year, I can't risk that!

Garibaldi: We can't open for the Day of the Dead! It's unconscionable!

Sheridan: I'll take it under advisement. That is all.

Garibaldi: But--

Sheridan: (frostily) That is all, Mr. Garibaldi.

Garibaldi leaves.


The Advisory Council and the League of Non-Aligned Worlds are convened. The mood is slightly ugly. G'Kar is angrily swirling his cloak around, just like in Season One.

G'Kar: We will not stand for this -- subterfuge-- on the part of the Earth Alliance any longer! The Narn regime -- and the League of Non-Aligned Worlds too -- demand to know what action is being taken to protect us against this new threat!

Sheridan: There is no new threat. Just unsubstantiated rumors, bargains and lies.

G'Kar: No threat! Then why is Mr. Garibaldi stepping up security? Why have you returned to your old role as military governor of this station? Is it not true that Captain Lockley was eaten by person or persons unknown? (Roars of displeasure from the ambassadors)

Sheridan: No, it's not true. Captain Lockley is on extended medical leave.

Lorien: While you find a way to sew her back together, no doubt.

Everyone turns as Lorien stomps into the room. He wears a fisherman's knit sweater, woolen pants and salt-crusted boots. He sits down on the rail separating the Non-Aligned Worlds' ambassadorial area from the rostrum.

Lorien: Some of you know me. I hunt Shadows for a living. You have a Shadow problem, Cap'n. As soon as you're ready to admit that to yourself, come to me. My price is 5,000,000 quatloos and a case o' them french-fried pertaters.

Lorien leaves. The council dissolves in chaos.


A large, blocky starcarrier of unfamiliar design moves toward the station through normal space.


Ivanova looks out the porthole at the carrier.

Ivanova:(to herself) If it's not one damn thing it's another... (activates comm) Captain, I have a Commodore Ross of the USS Saratoga on the link.

Sheridan: (on comm) Ross... He doesn't sound familiar. Who are they, EarthForce?

Ivanova: Nope. USMC.

Sheridan: I didn't know we still had one of those!

Ivanova: I didn't either. You know what the Commodore said when I told him that?

Sheridan: I can't even guess.

Ivanova: He said, ‘Son, life in the Corps is like living on a farm. Every meal a banquet, every formation a parade! I love the Corps! As long as little boys want to grow up and be firemen, and little girls want to grow up and head Fortune 3000 companies, we'll always have a Corps.'

Sheridan: He called you son?

Ivanova: Yes, he did.

Sheridan: His vidlink must be out. Did he mention what he wanted? Not shore leave, I hope...

Ivanova: No, sir. Just wants permission to hunt Mr. Garibaldi's space monster.

Sheridan: Yeah. Um. Space monsters are strictly Garibaldi's bailiwick. Give Commodore Ross my blessing and get him outta here.

Ivanova: Yes, sir.


Lt. Colonel T.C. McQueen stands next to a blackboard. The members of the 58th squadron sit in front of him, undisciplined as usual.

McQueen: Listen up, people!

Hawkes: I wanna know one thing, Colonel. Is this gonna be a stand-up fight, or a bug hunt?

Damphousse: (sotto voce)Well, I know where mine is...

McQueen: Your enemy is an augmented, heretofore unknown ET--

Wang: Phone hoommeee...

McQueen: Now that is enough! I will not stand here and listen to you pissants mocking the memory of the brave invitros who died pushing those flabby longfingered Spielberg-inspired bastards back to the edge of the Rim! You're not fit to shine their muddy, bloody boots with your tongues! Am I clear?

All: Yes, sir.

McQueen: Mr. Wang, am I clear?

Wang: Yes, sir.

McQueen: Good. I would hate to think I stuttered. Your enemy is equipped with short-range plasma cannon, ship-to-ship missiles and a practical invisibility screen. He is highly maneuverable, with both ion and fusion drives. He is likely to be highly armored, necessitating multiple hits for a kill. As an unknown NTI, his strategies are likely to be unique. Do not let him rattle you. After all, he's probably just as scared of you as you are of him. Any questions? Mr. West?

West: Who do I have to sleep with to get transferred to the X-Files?

McQueen: Any other questions? Okay, Five-Eights. Go show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown.


The 58th fly their Hammerheads in loose formation.

Vansen: Okay, people, let's look alive.

A spidery bubble passes over Hawkes' screen.

Hawkes: The hell?

Wang: My boards just went all wiggy.

Suddenly West's left wing explodes and he spins out of control.

West: I'm hit!

Vansen: Incoming! Bogey at 12 o' clock high! (She fires)

Hawkes: Where is he?!?

Wang: Hawkes, he's on your six!

Damphousse: I'm on him.

She fires. Missiles streak towards the cloaked Shadow and bounce off. The Shadow fires off a mine, which splinters. Damphousse flies right into it and explodes.

Vansen: Wang, break right! I'll hit him from the other side. Hawkes, you cover us!

The Shadow hovers. Vansen and Wang go after it.

West: Shane, don't! It's a trap!

The Shadow fires its plasma gun at Vansen, slicing her wings off. Then it rolls and fires at Wang, destroying his engines. The two Hammerheads collide and explode.

Hawkes: Noooooooo! (He flies after the Shadow, firing all the way)

West: Coop, listen to me! Enemy is superior! Enemy is superior! Break off! Break--

There is a blinding flash as Hawkes' ship explodes. West hangs helplessly in space. The Shadow decloaks for the first time as it streaks toward him

McQueen: (on comm) Wild Cards, what is your situation, over?

West: (weakly) Kylen...

Shadow: (on comm) I'm your girlfriend now!

Closeup of the Shadow firing. Whiteout, then fade in to...


McQueen is wearing his flight suit and lucky hat. Commodore Ross follows along, trying to talk him down.

Ross: Colonel, you know you're unfit to fly. You have an inner ear imbalance...

McQueen: The docs cleared me. I'm good to go.

Ross: And you ate less than an hour ago! You'll cramp up!

McQueen: The Commodore knows that's just an old wives' tale.

Ross: Be that as it may, you're in no condition...

McQueen: A commander is responsible for the lives of his command. I lost those lives today. My duty is clear.

Ross: I'll be a son of a bitch if I go to your funeral.

McQueen: I'm wearing my lucky flight suit, my lucky hat, my lucky wristwatch and my lucky jockstrap. Just sing my lucky song for me, and I'll do you proud.

Ross: I can't argue with that. Godspeed, Colonel.

McQueen gets into his portable cockpit, which lowers into the Hammerhead.


McQueen's Hammerhead flies away from the ship.

Cut to: Close up of McQueen's eyes in space helmet.

Ross: (oov, sings) My baloney has a first name,

Shadow shape blurs over screen.

Ross: It's O-S-C-A-R

Shadow appears and drops cloak.

Ross: My baloney has a second name,

McQueen's cannons fire.

Ross: It's M-A-Y-E-R

Shots bounce off the Shadow.

Ross: I love to eat it every day

Shadow fires

Ross: And if you ask me why I'll say:

McQueen's ship rolls out of the way.

Ross: ‘Cause Oscar Mayer has a way

Close up of McQueen's eyes.

Ross: With B-O-

Shadow streaks toward McQueen.

Ross: -L-O-

McQueen's hand tightens on trigger.

Ross: -G and A.

McQueen and the Shadow smash into each other. There is a blinding explosion. Quiet for a moment. Then the Shadow flies out unscathed.


Commodore Ross, guitar in hand, stands on the bridge. Officers rush around.

Ross: Sound battle stations.

EXO: Battle stations! (Klaxon sounds)

Sensor officer: Incoming raider, 30 degrees NNE.

The Shadow fires its missiles at the Saratoga. The ship's laser cannons fire back.

Weapons officer: Weapons lock not answering.

Ross: Go to manual control. (The bridge shudders)

Sensor officer: Bogey is... Bogey is off the screen, sir.

Ross: That's impossible, no ship that size has a cloaking device!

Sensor officer: Bogey is non-visible, sir.

The Shadow is flying along the bottom of the ship, toward the intake shaft.

OPS: Number 3 intake shaft is blocked, sir.

Ross: Well, unblock it!

OPS: Yes, sir. Intake shaft is clear--

Ross: Good work, OPS.

OPS: I didn't do it, sir. It seems to have cleared itself--

Intercom sounds. EXO picks it up.

EXO: It's the engine room, sir. Power output is spiking! Output is off the board, sir!

Ross: What now?

Sensor officer: Bogey has returned to screens, sir!

Ross: Blast that thing out of my sky!

The laser cannon fires again, then explodes. There is a muffled explosion from the engine room.

OPS: Hull integrity has been breached! Main reactors melting down!

Ross: All hands abandon ship! All hands--

The Saratoga explodes again. The Shadow cuts up the remains with its plasma beam, then flies away.


The docking bay is swarming with aliens of all kinds, lurkers, anyone who can muster up a weapon and a runabout is clustered around. Some appear to have caught various forms of space life, Mynocks, starseeds, sea monkeys and so on. A group of Fremen proudly stand beside a young sandworm, suspended by its tail. Lennier, wearing his Ranger outfit, is trying to measure its mouth.

Lennier: Well, this is a very big little maker, but it's not our killer.

Stilgar: Why not?

Lennier: Bite radius. Way too small.

Stilgar: Perhaps we should express your water...

Garibaldi: You're not on Arrakis anymore, guys, so lighten up. Lennier, you're just who I wanted to see.

Lennier: How so?

Garibaldi: Well, you were in a lot more of those Shadow War episodes than I was. Maybe it's because I didn't eat the red fruit in that one ep, but I'm always gettin' shut out of that kind of stuff. Anyway, I'm gonna go try to talk to Sheridan again and I could use your expertise.


Garibaldi, Sheridan and Lennier are walking down the hall, arguing about Shadow control. They pause beside a "Sentient Crossing" sign that someone has spraypainted a large Shadow outline onto. There are a pair of eyes painted on the sentient, and a cartoon bubble with "Help, Shadow" emerging from its mouth.

Sheridan: I don't care what you think, Mr. Garibaldi. You yell "Jem'Hadar" and you'll see a few raised eyebrows. You yell "Shadow" and I guarantee you'll have a panic on your hands that'll make "Thirdspace" look like "GROPOS"! If you want to do something, try catching the spraypaint-happy little teep cultist who did that! (Points to sign)

Garibaldi: Oh, please.

Sheridan: That's defacement of a public service message! It's a lot more important than running off on some half-assed Indiana Narn Crusade!

Lennier: I don't believe we're dealing with an ordinary troop-of-the-line in this case. I've studied what remains there are to be had, and the slash axis is completely wrong. This is something much larger and more powerful than any individual First One in our experience. Most likely it's a rogue, an augmented Doomsday berserker, heavily armed and armored, capable of unsupported fast-attack operations in deep space. Take a close look at that sign. Those proportions are correct.

Sheridan: Love to prove that, wouldn't you. Get your face on the cover of the Xenological Annals of Minbar.

Lennier chuckles darkly and throws up his hands.

Garibaldi: I'm not asking you to close the station for the whole season. Just for a few days so Lennier and I can catch this Shadow--

Sheridan: Michael, I'm telling you this for the last time. Get it through your head: there are no more Shadows! I was at Corriana when they left. All of them, Michael!

Garibaldi: Yeah, I'm sure. Every Shadow vessel we met had a cloak. Every Shadow had a personal shield! Every time they lost a war, they hid for 1,000 years! Without ever being found! And you stand there and tell me that they're all gone because you yelled at them! You made a gentlemen's agreement with the two most duplicitous races who ever evolved--

Sheridan: I don't have to listen to this. I won't listen to this!

Garibaldi: --and you trust them to abide by it?

Sheridan: All I care about is the fact that I've got over a thousand tourists booked for the Day of the Dead. You double security, triple it if you have to, but this station is staying open! (Sheridan storms off)

Lennier: I can't deal with that. The man's lining up to be a hot lunch!

Garibaldi: I won't call you wrong...


A large group of tourists is huddling nervously outside the Brakiri exclusion zone. Londo, Delenn and Ivanova can be seen at the edges of the crowd. Sheridan, wearing a polyester suit with little anchors on it and a pair of Ray-bans, sidles up to Londo.

Sheridan: Londo, no one's going into the exclusion zone.

Londo: You know these Earthers, they're afraid of what they might see. They don't want to meet up with their mothers-in-law...

Sheridan: But we've got to set an example. Why don't you go in?

Londo: Ah, well, I just had spoo. You're not supposed to go in for an hour after eating...

Sheridan: Please, Londo. Go in the zone.

Londo: Oh very well.

Londo walks into the zone. He holds the hand of a small Centauri child, and for some reason carries an inflatable float. Gradually, a few people, and then a few more, start to follow. Eventually, the whole crowd disappears into the zone. As soon as they are all inside, a reddish force curtain descends, sealing them off.


Ivanova is waiting impatiently in her quarters. She shifts from one piece of furniture to another, clearly uncomfortable.

Ivanova: I hate this. I hate this. I wonder who I'll wind up with this time? The Centauri Regent? Last time I got stuck with Jinxo, and Jinxo's not even dead...

The lights flicker, and there's a noise behind the curtain. Ivanova pulls a PPG from between the seat covers.

Ivanova: All right, I know you're in there. Come out slowly, and keep your hands where I can see them.

Booming Voice: Behold, I am the ancient Vorlon god Booji! (Marcus jumps out with a bucket on his head)

Ivanova: Marcus!


Londo lets himself in, pours a glass of Bravari and sits down. He looks skittishly over one shoulder. Then he looks back and jumps in his chair. Lord Refa is standing there, wrapped in a chain made of Narn heads. The heads nudge each other and wink at Londo.

Londo: What do you want with me?

Refa: Much!

Londo: Who are you?

Refa: At least you asked the questions in the right order... Ask me who I was.

Londo: Who were you then? You're particular, for a shade.

Refa: In life I was your partner, Lord Refa.

Londo: Can you -- can you sit down?

Refa: I can.

Londo: Do it, then. (Refa sits) I suppose it's pointless to offer you a drink.

Refa: I am beyond reach of your poisons now, I think. Pour me one.

Londo: All right. (Pours) But I warn you, I can drink enough for five hallucinations.

Refa: You don't believe in me.

Londo: I don't.

Refa: What evidence would you have of my reality beyond that of your senses?

Londo: I don't know. If I can't see it, taste it, touch it, eat it or excrete it, I don't believe in it. I left you dead on Narn. And now you are alive here? Preposterous.

Refa jumps up and rattles his Narn heads. They scream and howl.

Londo: Mercy! Dreadful apparition, why do you trouble me?

Refa: Centauri of the worldly mind! Do you believe in me or not?

Londo: For the duration of this conversation, let us assume I do. But you are fettered. Tell me why?

Refa: I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it head by head, and meter by meter; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you? Or would you know the weight and length of the strong coil you bear yourself? It was full as heavy and as long as this, seven Brakiri Days of the Dead ago. You have labored on it, since. It is a ponderous chain!

Londo: Refa, how can that be? You've only been dead half a season! Do they...speak?

Refa: Yes. Endlessly.

Londo: What about? Do they curse you for their deaths?

Refa: They used to. Now they tell each other Narn knock-knock jokes.

Londo: Horrible. Tell me more. Speak comfort to me, Refa.

Refa: I have none to give. It comes from other regions, Mollari, and is conveyed by other ministers, to other kinds of men. As the humans say, ‘I am forbid to tell the secrets of my prison-house.' My spirit never walked beyond our counting-house -- mark me! -- in life my spirit never roved beyond the narrow limits of our money-changing hole!

Londo: But you were always a good man of politics, Refa.

Refa: Politics! Narnkind was my politics. The common welfare was my politics; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my politics. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my politics! I am here tonight to warn you, that you have yet a chance and hope of escaping the fire that waits for you. A chance and hope of my procuring, Londo.

Londo: You were always a good friend to me, Refa.

Refa:(drily) Is that why you had me killed? You will be haunted by three spirits.

Londo: Is that the chance and hope you mentioned, Refa?

Refa: It is.

Londo: I -- I think I'd rather not.

Refa: Without their visits you cannot hope to shun the path I tread. Expect the first when the bell tolls one. Look to see me no more. (Refa fades away)


Delenn is lighting candles, preparatory to the ‘receiving guests' ritual. The lights flicker, and Dukhat is standing there.

Delenn: Master! (She dips her head)

Dukhat: You must look up. I cannot have a hostess who will not look up. You will be forever spilling drinks. (Delenn looks up) That's better. But look at you! You've lost weight? No, you've done something to your hair... You have hair!

Delenn: How nice of you to notice.

Dukhat: So you've evolved hair. I always said you'd go to the top of your gene pool... You're a new life form, half Minbari, half Centauri? No. Half human. You always were interested in humans.


Bits and pieces of Marcus and Ivanova's costumes are thrown everywhere. They are in bed, Ivanova wears her purple nightgown.

Ivanova: There's so much I have to tell you! So much I want to ask...

Marcus: Now? Susan, touch passion when it calls your name...

Ivanova: I just touched it five minutes ago! Didn't anyone ever tell you you're supposed to rest between bouts?

Marcus: Actually, no.

Ivanova: I'm not surprised. So...what's it like?

Marcus: What's what like?

Ivanova: Death.

Marcus: You always did believe in starting small...

Ivanova: No, really.

Marcus: Well. Remember that Narn restaurant you dragged me to?

Ivanova: G'Spago's? Yes, what about it?

Marcus: Remember the breen we had there?

Ivanova: Yes...?

Marcus: It's worse.

Ivanova: Worse than the breen at G'Spago's...


Delenn and Dukhat are seated on the couch.

Dukhat: This really has been a most pleasant hiatus. A moment of being separated from the moments of non-being.

Delenn: A postcard from the other side.

Dukhat: I'm sorry, a what?

Delenn: It's a human custom. When one of them has traveled to some extraordinary place, he or she sends a small message with a picture back to their friends. A postcard.

Dukhat: What astonishing creatures these humans are. (There is a noise) Did you say something?

Delenn: No.

Dukhat: But I heard something.

Delenn: I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then and I'm not saying anything now.

Dukhat: Strange. There is a disturbance... As if a very unpleasant person had said an extremely naughty word... I should go look.

Delenn: Let me go with you.

Dukhat: Will you follow me into fire? Will you follow me into darkness? Will you follow me into death?

Delenn: Actually, I'm not that curious...

Dukhat: Then stay here.

Dukhat goes out the door. There is a pause, which grows longer and longer. Delenn starts to look worried.

Dukhat: (calls hoarsely) Help me, Delenn...

Delenn: (starts to rush out, then stops) A Minbari would not cry out so...

Dukhat: Help me...Delenn!

Delenn goes to the couch and pulls a Minbari-style blaster out from between the cushions. Then she goes to the door. Close up of her waiting for the door to open. She looks out and sees the Shadow holding Dukhat's broken body in its claws. She gasps.

Dukhat: I'm so sorry...(dies)

Shadow: Now, cry like Delenn. (Does her voice) Help me, John.

Delenn screams. Cut to:


Londo is asleep, or more accurately, passed out on the couch. Suddenly there is a flare of light and Kosh is standing there.


Londo: (waking up) Are you the spirit whose coming was foretold to me?

Kosh: YES.

Londo: What do you want?

Kosh: Never ask that question!

Londo: Who are you?

Kosh: A spirit of the past.

Londo: The far past?

Kosh: No, your past.

Doorbuzzer sounds.

Kosh: Do not answer it.

Londo: Why? What's out there?

Kosh: Reflection. Surprise. Terror.

Londo: (going to the door) Sounds like my three wives...Who is it?

Silly voice: Candygram.

Londo: That sounds harmless enough...

Londo opens the door. The Shadow appears in it, huge and terrible, augmented with all kinds of armaments. Londo freezes, then is suddenly hurled backwards by Kosh's tractor beam. The Shadow rushes into the room. Kosh unlimbers his plasma thrower. The Shadow scuttles after Londo. Kosh fires at it.

Kosh: (to Shadow) You stay away from him you bitch! (the Shadow turns toward Kosh, then screams and leaps). (To Londo) Now! Go! Leave this place!

Londo: You don't need to tell me twice! (He runs out into the hallway, followed by the sounds of battling First Ones)


Link buzzes. Garibaldi gropes around, finds it.

Garabaldi: Go.

Zack: Chief, you'd better get down to Green 2 right now. Looks like a situation.

Garibaldi: I'll be right on it.


Sheridan is huddled in a corner. He looks pale and drawn. Several security guards stand around uncertainly. Garibaldi and Zack come rushing in.

Sheridan: (grabs Garibaldi) You were right! I made them go in, into the isolation zone, it was in there--

Garibaldi: Slow down, what was in there? (to Zack) Go. (Zack and some security guards go into the zone.)

Sheridan: The Shadow. It was in there, waiting, and it ate them...

Garibaldi: Who? Who did it eat?

Sheridan: I'm trying to tell you! Everyone. You know how you have to stay in the isolation zone, once you go in, nobody comes out... Nobody came out, either. Not alive they didn't.

Garibaldi: My God.

Sheridan: Not even Delenn. No one like my Delenn, my Delenn used to dance and sing...

A resplendent figure in a party-colored Centauri mourning gown sweeps up to Garibaldi. It's Adira.

Adira: Is it true, Chief Garibaldi? Did you know there was a Shadow in the station?

Garibaldi: Yes, it's true. (Adira slaps him.)

Adira: Then Londo died for nothing.

Londo: Well struck, my dear. Lovely backhand form. But quite unnecessary.

Londo is being helped out of the zone by Zack and the guards.

Adira: Londo!

Garibaldi: This is going to sound odd, but, why aren't you dead?

Londo: Actually, strange as it may seem, I was saved by Ambassador Kosh.

Garibaldi: Really? The old Kosh or the new one?

Londo: The old one. The new Kosh wouldn't pull his own grandmother from the path of an oncoming train.

Garibaldi: So it really was a Shadow?

Londo: Yes. Hideous creature.

Zack leads the Centauri away. Garibaldi crouches down beside Sheridan.

Sheridan: I was acting in the best interests of the station...

Garibaldi: Look, John, you know what you have to do now. So that people will know you did the right thing.

Sheridan: What?

Garibaldi: You're going to sign this requisition.

Sheridan: Why?

Garibaldi: Just sign the requisition, so I can have the money to hire Lorien to kill the Shadow.

Sheridan: Yes, yes. (He signs it)


Garibaldi and Lennier approach Lorien's hut, a makeshift of cartilage and riboflavin attached to the docking bay. Preserved skulls and jawbones of different alien lifeforms hang all over it; there is a Predator's helmet, and what looks like the skull of an Alien queen. Lorien's hideous, rusty ship, the Orcus is visible though the port. Lorien comes out to greet them.

Lorien: So Chief, ya finally came to see me. Who's your little friend?

Lennier: Lennier, of the Third Fane of Fnord.

Lorien: And what have you done?

Lennier: I ran navigation and fire control aboard Whitestars during the Shadow War.

Lorien: Fought Shadows, have ya? How? Aboard a ship? With a particle beam, no doubt. Lots of missiles. Teeps to hold ‘em still for ya, maybe. ‘This rising generation', feh! I'm talkin'about workin' for a livin', I'm talking about Shadowin'!

Lennier: Well, I'm not talking about some poor Ewok or Mogwai. I'm talking about going after a Shadow berserker!

Lorien: You talkin' about balrogs, Mr. Lennier? Hah! First, tie me a mugwump. (Throws Lennier a piece of rope)

Lennier: (tying furiously)I haven't had to pass basic starsmanship in a long time. You didn't say how long you wanted it. (Throws knot to Lorien).

Lorien: (ignores knot) Gimme your hands. (He grabs Lennier's hands and squeezes.) You've got soft hands, Minbari hands. Been lightin' candles all your life. Religious caste, is it? Before your sun burned hot in space and before your race was born, I was killin' Shadows with my bare hands. How do you think I survived all them centuries on Za'Ha'Dum? Payin' rent? I killed every Shadow ever looked at me cross-eyed, just so your bony ass could figure out how many Vorlons can dance on the head of a pin. Bah!

Lennier: You can't say those things. If Ambassador Delenn were here--

Lorien: Ah, but she's not. Shadows got her on the Day of the Dead. They'll get Sheridan too. Mark my words. Well, Chief? Maybe I should go alone.

Garibaldi: Lorien, this is my party. If I say Lennier's going, he goes.

Lorien: Aye, your party, your charter, but it's my vessel, so what I say goes. You can be mate, steveadore, cabin boy and navigator for all of me but I'm captain, and I'll have no dead wood aboard. I'll cut your Shadow expert up for chum before I'll perform 9 rituals for chewing tobacco and 10 for cleaning out the load pan bay. Just so's you understand that, Chiefy, we'll get along fine. I'll take him for ballast.

Garibaldi: You got 'im.


Lennier and Lorien are transferring their Shadow-extermination gear into the ship. Lennier seems to have a lot more of it, and much higher tech.

Lorien: .. straight-jet, killin' lance. Pair of robi splice with M1with three-d clip, handy billy, pliers, plasma rifle in 40-watt range...

Lennier: Haven't even assembled all these die markers, flares, safety flutes, temperature gauge, spear guns, SMG --

Lorien: What are ya, some kind of half-assed astronaut? Heh, heh, heh.

Lennier: (with wounded dignity) I am using my whole ass.

Lorien: Take care that you latch it secure. Joseph M Strazinski. When I was a boy, every little squirt wanted to be either a ground pounder or a Vorlon. Whatta ya got here? Portable triluminary or a hot tub?

Lennier: Force globe.

Lorien: Force globe. You go inside the globe? Globe goes in space? You go in space? Shadow's in space, our shadow... (sings) Farewell and adieu to you Centauri ladies. Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Centaur'. For we've received orders for to sail back to Minbar. And so nevermore shall we see you again.


Lorien and Garibaldi are out on the deck of the ship. Lennier is up on the flying bridge. No one wears a vacuum suit, because the entire deck is enclosed in a force bubble. All wear magnetized boots. Lorien sits in a chair bolted to the deck, with a huge fishing rod. The line trails out into space. Garibaldi is chumming, throwing sloppy bucketsful of rotten spoo overboard. He tries to keep the bits from floating back through the force field, but has little luck.

Lorien: Keep that chum line going Chief, we got five good klicks on him.

Garibaldi: Who's drivin' this boat?

Lorien: Nobody, we're tied. One time I caught a sixteen footer off Proxima. had to stick two barrels in him. Two to wear him down and bring him up. Now a days, these kids, they bring everything. Radar, sonar, nuclear devices... Joseph M Strazinski. Hey Chief! Best drop another chum marker.

Garibaldi:(goes to get marker)What's in those barrels anyway?

Lorien: Dwarf star matter. That'll take the fight out of a balrog, right smart.

Garibaldi goes to get the marker. He pulls a rope and Lennier's space gear starts to float away. Lennier jumps down from the bridge and angrily collects his gear.

Lennier: Watch it! Damn it, Mr. Garibaldi! This is compressed air!

Garibaldi: Well what the hell kind of a knot was that!

Lennier: (coldly) A quick-release hitch. It released quickly, as it was designed to do. Be more careful in future. Our knots may look like yours, but they are not.

Lorien: Yeah, that's real fine expensive gear you brought out here, Mr. Lennier! `Course I don't know what that bastard Shadow's gonna do with it, might eat it I suppose. Seen one eat a loadin' dock one time. (Lennier climbs back up) (To Garibaldi, sotto voce) Hey Chiefy, next time you just ask me which line to pull, right?

Garibaldi goes back to practicing knots.

Lorien: Pak'Ma'Ra comes out of the cave, sees the undertaker, and goes back into the cave again. (Garibaldi pulls the knot. It's wrong) It's not too good is it Chief! Well nothin's easy is it? One more time.

Garibaldi: Pak'Ma'Ra... comes out of the hole... goes back in again... (Continues trying. Meanwhile, Lorien's line goes taut) Hey! I got it! What?

Lorien: Get behind me! Lennier! Reverse her! Takin' a hell of a lotta line! Chief! Get the scooper out of the bucket! Wet the reel! Lennier! Reverse her! Duck your head down chief! We're swingin', get behind me again! No more water, it only'll drown me! Lennier, you idiot! Starboard! Ain't you watchin' it?! Lennier, neutral! Where'd he go now? And he ain't foolin' me! What's he makin' out now? Go on, try it! (Pause) I don't know chief, I don't know. He's very smart or very dumb. Joseph Straz-- He's gone under. He's gone under the boat, I think he's gone under the boat. Yeah, it's too easy. He's a smart big First One! He's gone under the boat! Keep it steady now! I got something very big!

Lennier: I don't think so.

Lorien: Chief... Chief... put your gloves on! Hey, put your gloves on, both of ya! Gettin' ready to run at again.

Lennier: Hey Lorien, let it go.

Lorien: Hey Lennier? Maybe you're the Third Earl a'Flarn on Minbar but out here your just belly button lint. If you don't want to ride home on a asteroid, you get down here!

Lennier: All right, you don't want to listen to me? Don't listen to me. It's not a Shadow.

Garibaldi: The wire's showing! The wire's showing!

Lorien: Unbuckle me! Get on the other side. Grab the reel Lennier.

Lennier: It's a Mynock or a starseed. We're wasting our time!

Lorien: Okay, take this rod. Lennier? Give the Chief a hand, will ya?

Lennier: Right!

Garibaldi: Oh! Shit!

Lennier: It might be a Mynock or a starseed but it's definitely a lower life form... (The line parts and Garibaldi and Lennier are thrown off the deck.)

Lorien: Lower life eh? Mynock? Starseed? Bit through this shigawire? Don't you tell me my business again! You get back on the bridge.

Lennier: Lorien, that doesn't prove a damn thing.

Lorien: Well it proves one thing Mr. Lennier. It proves that you mystical Minbari boys don't have humility enough to admit when you're wrong.

Lennier climbs back up. Lorien and Garibaldi go into the cabin.

Garibaldi: What's the point? Hooks and lines.

Lorien: Well, you lose one, you rig one. Lennier?! Twelve minutes south south west, now, full throttle!

Lennier: Aye, aye sir! Arr, Cap'n, arrgh!

Lorien: See what I do, chief, is I... trick him to the surface, then I jab at him! I'm not gonna... haul him up like a load of catfish. Lennier! Full throttle!

Lorien opens a large case, takes out an ancient and powerful looking weapon and starts assembling it.

Lennier:(does the voice) Everyone tells Zathras what to do, but Zathras used to it. Zathras has very sad life, probably has also very sad death, but at least there is symmetry.

Lorien: (to Garibaldi) Hey, your head's bleedin'! First aid there.


The Orcus maintains course and speed. Garibaldi, with a bandage on his head, is chumming again. Lennier is playing solitaire 3-D chess, but the pieces keep floating away.

Lorien: Garibaldi?! Start that chum line again, will ya?!

Garibaldi: Let Lennier take a turn.

Lorien: Lennier flies the boat, Chief. Stop playin' with yerself Mr. Lennier; slow ahead, if you please. (Lorien climbs down from the flying bridge and Lennier climbs up)

Garibaldi: You heard him, slow ahead! -- Slow ahead! I can go slow ahead! C'mon down and chum some of this crap! (Garibaldi turns away from chumming. As he does so, there is a dark swirling and suddenly the Shadow is looking right at him. Then it cloaks again and vanishes.)

Garibaldi: (backing away) You're gonna need a bigger boat.

Lorien: Shut off that engine.

The Shadow, visible only as a ghostly outline with flaring engines, flies slowly past the ship.

Lennier: That's a twenty footer!

Lorien: Twenty five! And three tons of him!

Garibaldi: You're gonna need a bigger boat, right?

Lorien: Gotta get to work.

Garibaldi: How do we handle this? How do we handle this?

Lennier: Mr. Garibaldi, I need you. He's circling the boat! Look at the size of him!

Lorien goes to the cabin to answer comm.

Comm: Earth Force Station Babylon 5 to Orcus. This is Babylon 5 to Orcus. Come in Orcus?

Lorien: Orcus, come in.

Comm: I have Mrs. Lise Garibaldi here.

Lorien: Put her on.

Lennier tries to urge Garibaldi out onto the prow of the ship. He holds a Minbari-style camera.

Lennier: Come on Mr. Garibaldi! Garibaldi, move, move, move!

Garibaldi: I'm not goin' out there!

Lennier: Beyond the edge of the barrels! Go to the end of the barrels! Further out!

Garibaldi: What?!

Lennier: Further out!

Garibaldi: Why?!

Lennier: Go further out!

Garibaldi: What for?!

Lennier: Would you go to the end of the nose cone, please?!

Garibaldi: What?!

Lennier: Would you, please, go to the end of the nose cone?!

Garibaldi: What for?!

Lennier: I need to have something in the foreground to give it some scale!

Garibaldi: Foreground my ass!

Lorien: Your husband's all right, Mrs. Garibaldi. He's fishin'. He's just caught a couple of stripers. We'll bring `em home for dinner, we won't be long, we ain't see anything yet, over and out! (He goes out on deck, gun in hand)

Lorien: Chief. Want you to get up on the bridge, just take her forward steady.

Garibaldi: I've never steered a spaceship in my life!

Lorien: Just watch my hand and take her steady. Mr. Lennier? Attach the end of this line to the first keg. (Lorien heads forward. Lennier runs to the cabin.) Better get a good shot at that balrog's head! Coming. Hee hee hee! Coming! (The Shadow races ahead of the ship) Lennier? You clearing the barrel? (Lennier is assembling a small beacon) Lennier?! Tie it up will ya?!

Lennier: Your turn, Lorien. (He runs out on deck)

Lorien: Lennier, where are you? Lennier, hurry it up now, tie it on. Hurry up, he's coming straight for us, don't screw it up now!

Lennier: Don't wait for me! (he attaches the beacon and starts tying the line to the barrel)

Lorien: Come on Lennier! Come on! Hurry up! Tie it on!

Garibaldi: Now! Kill it Lorien! Kill it! Now!

Lennier: (finishes tying) Shoot! Time!

Lorien fires; a dart shoots out of the gun and into the Shadow. The line pays out and the barrel snaps into space.

Lorien: What were you doing?! You knew I had to get a clean shot, right in the head! All right! Let's see how long that barrel takes to bring him up! Lennier, bring another barrel! I'm coming around again!

Garibaldi: Wh--what do we do now? We quittin' right?

Lorien: We've got one barrel on him. So we stay out here, till we find him again.

Garibaldi: Yeah but we can radio in and get a bigger boat --


The Orcus slices through space like a decrepit knife.


Lennier, Lorien and Garibaldi are sitting around drinking and swapping war stories.

Lorien (points to his head): See this scar? I got it when Sheridan jumped off that balcony on Za'Ha'Dum. Landed right on my head.

Lennier: (points to his cheek)I got this one in a training bout with a Drazi recruit.

Garibaldi: (points to his back) That's where the guy Zack Allen replaced shot me. (points to chin)That's where Sheridan hit me. (points to shin) That's where Delenn kicked me. (points several places) There, there, here, here, here and here are where Ivanova hit me. This is where Lockley hit me. That's where G'Kar hit me. This is where Londo hit me. That's where Vir hit me. This is where Zooty hit me with his translator widget--

Lennier: I got 'em all beat. (points to his chest) Delenn. She broke my heart! (Everyone laughs)

Garibaldi: (to Lorien) What's that one?

Lorien: That's where my tattoo used to be.

Lennier: Let me guess. "Kosh"! (laughs)

Lorien: Nope. USS Metropolis. Maybe you've heard of it. We were supposed to deliver the Treatymaker. Wunderland Treatymaker. During the last Man-Kzin war. Cannon the size of a fighter, with a beam to suppress the charge on the proton. Maybe it was the electron ron, what'do I know? Turned the Kzinti cities into dust. Taught the Patriarchy not to jump on the counter... On the way home, a Kzin warship torpedoed us. We bailed out, had our vacc suits on, no lifepods in them days. Turned out the mission was so secret, nobody knew where we were. So we sat there in our suits, waiting. 2000 men in space, I don't know how many Shadows. Shadow's got dead eyes, like a doll's eyes, doesn't even look to be livin' till he bites ya, and those eyes roll over white, and space fills up with little red crystals... We'd thrash and yell, and sometimes the Shadow'd go away. Sometimes he wouldn't go away. I saw a friend of mine, Miles O'Brien, machinist's mate from Procyon, I thought he was sleepin' and I reached over to wake 'im up...He'd been torn right in half lengthwise, I didn't see... 2000 men bailed out, 250 were rescued. That was the worst part, waitin' to be picked up. I'll never put on a vacuum suit again. But we delivered the Treatymaker, Zooty Day, 2045.

An eerie sound can be heard through the hull.

Garibaldi: What's that?

Lorien: Starseed. (Sings along with the sound) Farewell and adieu to you Centauri ladies...

Lennier:(sings)This is the little goblin, these are his little feet,

Garibaldi: These are his little toesy-woes...,

All: Isn't the goblin sweet? Hey!


The Shadow, slowed a bit by the barrel, closes in on the Orcus...


Garibaldi: Look at the little goblin,

Lorien: Wait!

Garibaldi: Do you want to hear about this goblin or not?

Suddenly there's an explosion and everyone is thrown around the cabin. A lamp explodes and fire starts in the cabin.

Lorien: Start the engines. Fire her up!

Lennier: Busted a shaft!

Lorien: Chief. Put out the fire will ya?

Garibaldi sprays foam on the fire and puts it out.

Lorien: Everybody on deck.

Lorien a few shots at the retreating Shadow.

Lennier: Excuse me. Lorien, what are you doing? Don't waste your time, Lorien! Come on!

Lorien: What's wrong with this sh-- Joseph Strazinski! Lennier, take the wheel! Garibaldi, forward, watch for him!

Lennier: You okay? Hey Garibaldi! You okay?

Lorien: (sings) Fish heads, fish heads, roly-poly fish heads...


Garibaldi is on the flying bridge, steering the ship. Lorien and Lennier are working on the engines.

Lorien: Hey Chief! Pull left rudder! Pull your left hand down!

Lennier: This ship's organic, isn't it? So why doesn't it self-repair?

Lorien: Oh, she'll fix herself, Mr. Lennier, but she'll do it wrong...

Garibaldi: Lorien! Lorien! Lorien! There it is!

Lorien: Whatta ya say, Chief?!

Garibaldi: The barrel is up! It's right in the stern!

Lorien: I think he's right under the keg. Grab the boathook.

Lennier: (grabs the rope with the hook) Lorien, if we can get close enough, I've got things on board that'll kill him.

Lorien: We just want to goose him up, come on. (Lennier slowly begins to coil up the cable) Okay... when he runs, you drop that rope or you lose your hands. I've seen fingers torn out at the knuckles. Hey boy! Give it to me a minute!

Lennier hands the coil to Lorien. Suddenly the Shadow takes off. The cable slices Lorien's fingers off and they slowly drift off into space, spinning slowly like that bone in 2001.

Lorien: Awithch! That smarts! (Lorien's fingers start to grow back. Garibaldi goggles at him, then rushes down and into the cabin) Start the engine! Where are you goin'?


Garibaldi goes to the comm. Lorien comes after him, picking up a Narn bat. He handles it awkwardly because his fingers haven't quite grown back.

Garibaldi: I'm gonna make a phone call. Hello? Hello? Hello, mayday Orcus. Babylon 5? Babylon 5 this is the Orcus do you read me? Babylon 5, this is the Orcus do you read?

Lorien: Excuse me, Chief. (He smashes the comm to bits.)

Garibaldi: That's great! That's just great!! Now where the hell are we, huh??!! You're certifiable, Lorien! You know that?! You're certifiable!!

Lorien: Yah! Yah! Yah!

Garibaldi: You're certifiable!! But I'll tell you this --

Lennier: Boys... Oh, boys! I think he's come back for his noon feeding.

Behind Lennier, the Shadow can be seen closing in on the ship.

Lorien: Hook me up another barrel! Bring it around after him! Full throttle! Get me right up along side of him!

Lennier: I can't rev it up that high! It's not gonna take it!

Lorien: Five degrees port! All right, hold your course! Five degrees port now... hold your course!

The Shadow flies just ahead of the Orcus. Lennier looks on amazedly while inappropriately bouncy music plays on the soundtrack. As the Shadow passes, Garibaldi fires at it with his PPG.

Lorien: Watch my arm! You see, watch my hand now! Follow me! Follow me! All right, you watch him now! Starboard! Starboard! Run him down, Lennier! Run him down! Run him down! Hard a' port! Watch him! Starboard! He's too fast! Starboard!

Lorien fires at the Shadow. Another barrel flies off into space. The Shadow disappears again. The Orcus floats quietly by itself for a moment. Then the barrels reappear suddenly.

Garibaldi: They're up again!

Lennier: Now what?!

Garibaldi: Well, why don't we start leading the Shadow into shore, instead of him leadin' us out to sea?

Lorien: Grab a couple of poles, k? Hang on now, we're goin' round! Get the starboard! Easy! We're gonna back her up now! You watch those barrels, boys! Watch `em! All right, get `em and snag `em. Now then, tie `em to the stern cleats. Garibaldi! Bring it right around the cleat! That's right, it'll lock itself off! Give him room, Garibaldi! Clear it!

Garibaldi has accidentally caught Lennier in the cable between the cleats. The cable tightens on him.

Lennier: Argh!! (Garibaldi yanks the cable and Lennier slips out.)

Lorien: Get off the line!

Garibaldi: Watch it, stand clear.

Lorien: Stand away from those stern cleats! Back home, we got a taxidermy man, he's gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him! Ha ha ha!

Lennier: Crawl back! You're losing a cleat! This one too, they're both going!

Garibaldi: He's eating his way right through that line!

Lennier: Yeah! And he's workin' his way, right into us! Lorien! C'mon Lorien!

Garibaldi: Hey! Come on!

Lennier: Hurry! Lorien!

Lorien: Outta my way!

Lorien fires another dart. Seconds later, the barrel comes out of the rack, strikes Lorien's head and takes it clean off. The head vanishes, gabbling, into icy space. Lorien immediately grows a mouth on top of his neck stump.

Lorien's mouth: Ouch, that smarts! Watch the tail! Untie us! He'll put out the -- Make it fast! We got another line in him!

Lennier: I can't! It's trying to run!

Lorien: We better get another line! (To Shadow) Pull you son of a bitch! I hope your back breaks! Pull it! Rip your bloody heart out! Tie him off! Secure it, boy, tie it around!

Lennier: It's impossible! It's impossible! Boys, it's too tight! He's pullin' us! You gotta cut him loose or he'll us again! We're breakin' up over here! Cut it man! It's all hung off!

The Shadow strains against the cables with its fusion drive. The Orcus pulls in the opposite direction, engines laboring.

Garibaldi: We need something to cut it!

Lennier: Get the ax! Get the ax! Get it, get it! Hurry up! We're breakin' up! We're breakin' up! God! Cut it! Cut it!

Garibaldi: Watch your hands! Watch your hands! Come on hold it!

Lennier: Get th-- Cut it Lorien! I can't hold it!

Garibaldi: Cut that cleat!

Lennier: Cut it! Cut it! (Lorien is about to swing the machete when the cleat breaks off and the cable snaps out into space)

Lorien: He can't stay down with three barrels on him, not with three barrels he can't.

Garibaldi: What about us?

Lorien: Lennier, get the pump outta the locker in front of you, will you?

Garibaldi: We're gonna sink aren't we?

Lorien: Mr. Lennier, keep an eye on the barrels! Pump it out, Chief!

Lennier: He's gonna go under!

Lorien: I tell ya, he can't with three barrels on him! Not with three he can't!

Lorien climbs back up to the flying bridge and takes over the controls.

Lennier: You ever have one do this before?

Lorien: I don't know. -- Hold fast!

Lennier: He's chasing' us, I don't believe it!

Lorien: We're gonna drown him in the gravity well, drown him in the gravity well, gonna draw him in and drown him. We're headin' in, Garibaldi!

Garibaldi: Praise the Maker! (To Lennier) Ever have a Shadow do this?

Lennier: No!

Smoke starts to billow out of the engine room

Garibaldi: How far do we have to go?!

Lennier: Lorien, don't put that much pressure on her! Lorien, Valen curse it!

Lorien: Shaddap! Get back there! I break the engine--!

Lennier: It's gonna breach! Hold on!

Lorien: (sings) They don't play baseball, they don't wear sweaters, they're not good dancers--

Lennier: You did it! You did it! You burned out the warp core! Valen's name!

Lorien: They don't play drums!

Garibaldi: All right! Stop the boat! Stop the boat! Stop it!

Lorien: Don't rupture yourself, Chiefy. We've arrived. (Lorien shares out spacesuits from the cabin and everyone puts them on).

Garibaldi: Where are we?

Lorien: Asteroid Light. Take a good look.

Garibaldi looks over the side and is immediately sorry. The Asteroid itself is a huge chunk of neutronium with an enormous cave gouged in it. What it orbits about is more terrible still; a tiny black hole, invisible except for a bluish glow of Cerenkov radiation.

Lennier: Valen's -- I thought it was only a legend.

Lorien: Hell of a place to lose a cow, ain't it?

Garibaldi: I've never seen -- (the force field shimmers red) The hell?

Lorien: Faceplate! Faceplate, Mr. Lennier! Chief!

Suddenly the forcefield fails. Everyone staggers a bit. Garibaldi falls down.

Lorien: You all right, Chief?

Garibaldi: I'll be fine as soon as I-- Awk! (The Shadow appears, grabs Garibaldi and cloaks. Lorien opens fire with the rifle, splattering it with paintballs. The Shadow, covered with paint, flies towards the Asteroid and vanishes into the cave.)

Lennier: That's it! That's it!

Lorien: Mr. Lennier, what exactly can you do with these things of yours?

Lennier: Aren't we going after it? That thing will kill him!

Lorien: Not right away it won't. What about this gear?

Lennier: Well, I think I can pump twenty cc's of strychnine nitrate into him. If I can get close enough.

Lorien: You get this little needle through his armor?

Lennier: No. I can't do that. But if I can get close enough to him, I think I can get him between the plates...

Lorien: Good. Here's my plan...


Lennier is by the cave mouth. Lorien is standing above it with the speargun.

Lorien: Now you know what to do. I never knew a balrog yet who'd give up a Minbari dinner for human. Do your stuff!

Lennier: Valen, Valen Valen...

Lorien: Put some heart into it! That balrog's hungry!

Lennier: (louder) Entil'Zha! Intil'Zha! We live for the One, we die for the One! Valen! Valen! Za'Ha' Dum is full of wussies!

The Shadow comes charging out. Lorien jumps on its back and stabs it with the spear. It tosses him off, then begins to convulse wildly and falls over twitching.

Lennier: You go get the Chief. I'll soon render this one harmless.

Lorien goes into the cave. Garibaldi is lying on the ground, adhered with a sticky substance. Nearby is an egglike cocoon.

Lorien: Thought as much. (He fires at the cocoon, which explodes in a greenish slime.)

Garibaldi: Did you kill it? Tell me you killed it.

Lorien: Not quite. Did one better.

Garibaldi: What's better than killing it?

Lorien: You'll see.

Lorien and Garibaldi rejoin Lennier outside the cave. He has just finished removing the last of the Shadow's augmentations; the rest lie in a heap of weapons, drives, translation widgets and other gadgetry. The Shadow wakes up and makes a threatening move. Garibaldi and Lennier move back.

Lorien: Don't let him scare you none. He's not so tough without his waldoes. Watch!

Lorien pokes the Shadow with the spear. It tries to attack, then seems to realize what's been done to it and flees. Lorien chases it.

Lorien: Ha, mule! Ha!

Garibaldi: Lorien, don't tease the damned thing! You'll just piss it off!

Lorien: Ha, mule! See, Chief? Easy as eatin' pancakes!

Lorien drives the Shadow back to the edge of the Asteroid. It starts to topple, lashes out and grabs him with its legs. Both of them fall off and are instantly seized by the black hole's gravity well and pulled in.

Lennier & Garibaldi: Lorien! (They stare at the black hole for a few moments, then walk dejectedly back to the ship.)

Garibaldi: You know, I used to hate space.

Lennier: I can't imagine why.


The Orcus arrives at the station. Several other ships are parked nearby.


Garibaldi and Lennier enter the customs area. There are lots of well-dressed alien tourists hanging around. Everything has been decorated for Zooty Day, including a 20 foot tall Flarn bush.

Zach: So, Chief, did you catch the Shadow?

Garibaldi: Yeah, we did. I thought it would make me feel better, but--

Zach:--now you just feel empty inside? Happens to all of us.

Garibaldi: Somehow doesn't seem very festive.

Zach: Doesn't, does it? Oh well, the ratings are back up anyway.

The hangar bay doors open in a hail of mircometeorites, and Lorien steps through.

Lorien: It's not a fit night out for man nor beast! Here's the man... (he pulls on a leash) and here's the beast! (The Shadow steps through. The tourists back away, screaming.) Now don't be frightened, I've reformed this balrog! Lookee what he can do! (The Shadow steps forward and puts the Whitestar on top of the Flarn tree. Everyone applauds)

Lennier: Lorien, you're not dead!

Lorien: That's right, Mr. Lennier. One thing I know about balrogs, balrogs bounce! (Everyone laughs)

All: (sing) Have a Flarny, Narny Christmas
It's the best time of the year
Say 'Woo Hoo' to lots of spoo
And wave at little Vir

Have a Flarny, Narny Christmas
And as you walk down the street
Say 'Hail Booji' to friends you know
And everyone you meet.

Hacuna metata, the Bester piniata
Hung where you can see
Somebody hands you a pole
Smack him one two three!

Have a Flarny, Narny Christmas
And in case you didn't hear
Oh by Barney have a flarny, Narny Christmas
This year!

Titanicator 2: Iceberg Day

Snag the Flarn



Babylon 5 is the property of Warner Bros., TNT, the PTEN Consortium and JMS. Jaws is the property of Amblin Productions and Warner Bros. SPACE: Above and Beyond is the property of Hard Eight Productions and Fox. Dune is the property of Universal Pictures. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is the property of Hanna-Barbera. All characters appear for the purposes of parody only.

© 1998, 1999.
Most recent update: Mar. 24, 1999
Fasten, then zip. Keep hands and feet inside the Zarg at all times.