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The Latest Picture of My Rig!

As you can see I'm back to doing what I was created to do, pulling a flat-bed!

Click on the picture to enlarge!

There is some very interesting history to this location where my rig is parked. In this picture my rig is sitting right on a dry lake called Owens Lake, California. If you’re interested in history or just want to find out more about this dry lake, just click the link below and it will take you to all kinds of links and from there you can find plenty of information.

Click here for Owens Lake

Click on the picture to enlarge!

This picture you see above is me and my side kick Donald Fulton, he’s the fellow who took most of the pictures on this site as well as he and I riding a lot of miles together on motorcycles!

Click on the picture to enlarge!

Click on the picture to enlarge!

Click on the picture to enlarge!

Click on the picture to enlarge!

Click on the picture to enlarge!

Click on the picture to enlarge!