OUR BSB CONCERT IN MONTREAL! We arrived in Montreal, Quebec at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 10th. The three of us, Erin and Nicole's mothers and Nicole's sister, Ashley's dad, Lisa and Hilary Arsenault, and Jill, Dana and Hannah Sommers all went to montreal together. (In two seperate vehicals, of course). We arrived at our hotel, the Sheraton, which is right next to the Molson Center where the boys would be performing, and decided to split up. The three of us, Erin and Nicole's mom plus Nicole's sis went shopping on St. Catherin's St. We went to this Canadian clothing store called "ROOTS" at 2:30,(this will be significant later), and then went to the Hard Rock Cafe directly after. Then we went back to our hotel rooms and met up with the rest of the group. The three of us went to Ashley's father's room because he was supposed to get us coorporate box seats, and he did!! We had to sell our three extra tickets, and we did, to a scalper named Jake the Snake. We got $350 for them. Next, it was time to get ready for the concert. We made sure we looked the best we could. Before we left, we had our pictures taken by the parents while holding our 2 signs which read "We came all the way from Millinocket, Maine to see you! We LOVE You!!" and "Ashley, Erin and Nicole (pictures of us under names) Love Nick, A.J., Brian, Howie and Kevin" (done in age order of course and w/ glitter). Then we took pictures of us wearing out Backstreet Boys bracelets we got at last years' concert. Now it's time to go to the Molson Center! There were hundreds of screaming fans waiting outside. People from radio stations showed up ad started throwing BSB stuff into the crowds. And we spotted Brian in the upstairs of the Molson Center looking down at us! We didn't catch anything and then it was time to go in at 7:00. When we got inside the frst place we hit was the merchandise. Erin spent $100 on a t-shirt, the backstage pass thingy (to keep keys on), a book, and a poster. Ash bought the same and Nicole did too, minus the book. After we got through the masses of people, we headed to our box seats. They were amazing!!! since the stage was in the round, we were we're right in the middle if the right side, we could see it all, plus we ordered food and drinks!! Talk about luxery! Mandy Moore and EYC (Express Yourself Clearly) were the opening acts. Then, the lights went down and the Star Wars Theame played. All of a sudden, from the back of the arena, the Backstreet Boys burst out on flying surfboard like things. We screamed so loud!! Kevin was standing in the middle of the stage, he couldnt do somethings because he dislocated is sholder in a snow boarding accident. They of course went into the"Larger Than Life." They played every song from Millennium except "I Need Your Tonight." I think they didn't sing that this year because they were more focused on doing it as a group insead of solos, not to meantion they sang it last year. They also sang Backstreet's Back, All I have to Give, As Long As You Love Me, I'll Never Break Your Heart, Quit Playing Games (they were put into harnesses, except for Kev and flew over the crowd), Get Down and We've Got It Goin' On. Kevin played piano on Back To Your Heart, that song was awesome. When they sang The Perfect Fan, they brought up 5 mothers and 5 daughters which was wicked sweet! There was no shirts taken off, excpet AJ ripped his off at the end of Backstreet's Back. They were so mature this year! It was unbeliveable to watch because they seemed to different. Poor Kev couldn't do the hat dance or the chair dance, we cried for him. I must say this concert was better then last years, and last year was pretty damn good! All in all it was the most wonderful thing we have ever seen! It's time to go to another one! The next day was like a big let down. We went shopping before we left. The main thing we wanted to do was hit ROOTS again because Howie and Brian had been wearing clothes from there. So we hit the 1st little ROOTS shop, and Ash got the yellow shirt brian had worn. We went to the next ROOTS store. We went downstairs to the men's dept. so the rest of us could get a brian shirt or a howie hat. the guy working there told us Brian and Howie had been there the day before!! And to top it off, they were there at 3:00, and we were there at 2:30!!! The twelve of us swarmed around this guy and were like "When were we here," "What did they buy," "What, when, how," and he was just laughing. So I asked what did they buy and he said Howie bought an orange fleece, so my mom asked him to show it to us. It was this awesome looking coat and I tried it on, but it was $100, so I was like no way. My mom said it looked really good on and she was going to buy it for me, so I started crying and everyone's like "I bet he touched it!" So, even though we missed them by 30 mins, we all got a piece of a Backstreet Boy.