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Bomberman Jetters the Anime


DK's Domain
Ammar's Anime Domain


Bomberman Jetters the Anime is based on the story of White Bomber (the main character in all Bomerman games) and a group of heroes named the Jetters. The Jetters are an elite group formed by Professor Ein to counter the evil ambitions of Bagura and his bandits who try to steal the most rare and unique items in the Universe (don't ask why). The Jetter's leader is Mighty, who is the older brother of White Bomber, but after a fight with Bagura's forces Mighty goes missing and the Jetters lose their leader and become helpless to Bagura's forces. White Bomber then goes to Jetters planet to see his Brother Mighty and Professor Ein. He then finds out Mighty is missing and decides to join the Jetters. Being a novice bomberman, he still has alot to learn, but has the will to work to follow the legacy of his brother. Bomberman meets Bagura's general Mujoe and his forces known as the Higehige bandits and attempts to protect the rare items which these criminals try to steal. The show is very entertaining and extremely humorous. The jokes and comedy in the show are among the most original of any anime or show. For example, White Bomber acts like a child all the time and Shout is always yelling at him, Mujoe is always unprepared and fails, the Higehige bandits are easily distracted, etc. It has a very light side and is suitable for people of all ages. The story of the series is also really detailed and unravels very nicely. It is definately worth watching. The best way to watch it is to download a fansub on the internet, since an english dub is not available, and I doubt it will come out in America though I am always hopeful. This show is great for Bomberman fans as it has humor and expands on the characters from the videogames, but it is just as fun to watch for those interested in a comedy anime.


White Bomber: The main character and the little brother of the missing Jetter's leader Mighty. He joins the Jetters to follow in the footsteps of his older brother who he admires very much. He is only a novice bomberman and has a long way to go. He also proves to be childish and immature, yet lovable.

Mighty: The former leader of the Jetters and the older brother of White Bomber. He goes missing, and know one knows where he is, whether he is alive or dead is a mystery. He is a very great fighter and always put Bagura's forces on the run. He was a mentor and model for White Bomber and the two brothers were very close.

Grandma Bomber: She is the grandmother of Mighty and White Bomber, and she raised them both by herself. She looks after White Bomber, and trains him to become a great bomberman like his brother. Her and White Bomber don't always get along, but she loves him very much.

Louie: White Bomber's best friend, he is a rabbit like creature who always follows White Bomber around.

Shout: The new leader of the Jetters, a human being, who looks after a ramen shop with her father. White Bomber stays at their shop while he is with the Jetters. She is overly bossy and rude to White Bomber, but deep down likes White Bomber alot.

Birdy: A member of the Jetters, he was a close friend of Mighty's and is really powerful. He is very intelligent and knows what to do at the right time, he watches over the other members and is a bit mysterious. He is a bird and drives a cab as a part-time job.

Bongo: A large mammal creature, Bongo is mechanic and a member of the Jetters. He is best friends with Gangu the robot.

Gangu: A robot member of the Jetters crew, he is versatile and Bongo adds him to appliances to do tasks he would not ordinaryily be able to accomplish.

Mujoe: The general of Bagura's Higehige bandit army, he is the main foe the Jetters have to face while fighting for the rare treasures they are after. He is very funny and loud, though he has a soft spot and cries easily.

Higehige Bandits: They are the main robot forces of Bagura's army and they are essentially expendable, forgetful, and just comic relief. They talk only using the words hige-hige, yet everyone can understand them.

Mechadoc: Bagura's scientist who develops machines and equipment for the use of stealing rare items.

Bagura: The leader of the Higehige bandits. He wants the rare treasures of the world only for himself. He also demands extreme loyalty and does not tolerate failure.