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Distortions About Islam


DK's Domain

1. Why is war a fact of life?

The Quran makes it clear that war is a fact of life as long as there is oppression, injustice, and selfish ambitions in the world.

2. In what cases is war justified in Islam?

War is justified only for self-defense and the restoration of justice, freedom, peace.

3. Where in the Quran does it say aggression is not tolerated in Islam?

2:193. And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah. but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression.

4. Does Islam allow forceful conversion?

No, Islam does not allow forceful conversion in any way. Islam needs to be accepted in the heart, God does not accept Islam that is only from the tongue. Also, we must know that people don’t convert people, but it is God who changes the hearts and puts faith into them.

5. What are the best methods of propagating Islam?

The best ways of propagating Islam are those with peace and wisdom. Islam spread in peace, not in war. Peace is the nature of the religion of Islam.

6. In Makkah, what happened to the number of Muslims as persecutions increased?

As persecution increased, the number of Muslims also increased. This was because the people saw that the early Muslims were peaceful and patient. They did not want to create trouble, but to proclaim truth.

7. Does Islam support a society where Muslims can live side be side with Non-Muslims?

Yes, Islam supports a society where Muslims can live side by side peacefully with Non-Muslims. God does not permit us to be hostile to those who are not hostile to us.

8. Who is not allowed to be harmed in war and what is not allowed to be destroyed in war?

Children, women, elders, civilian priests, disabled people and innocent civilians are not allowed to be killed in war. One of the objects of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was to minimize casualties of war, and he told his army not to kill innocent noncombatants. Muslims are also not allowed to destroy homes, crops, supplies, religious centers, wildlife, and other facilities that the civilians need.

9. What are the three things that critics of Islam attribute to Muslims expansion?

The critics of Islam attribute Muslim expansion to religious fervor in converting Non-Muslims, economic needs, and a primitive want for looting booty. All of these are false, because the whole idea of Muslim expansion was for security. These nations had already declared enmity and war upon the Muslims, even though Muslims wished for peace. Muslim ended up taking up the sword against those who fought them first, and becoming victorious over their enemies by the will of God.

10. How did the rulers of Rome and Persia respond to the call of Islam?

The rulers of Rome and Persia not only rejected the call of Islam, but declared war on the Islamic State. This led the Muslims to war against them.

11. How did the people of Egypt, Syria, and Iraq see the Muslim conquest?

The people of Egypt and Syria were ruled under the oppressive weight of the Roman Empire, so when the Muslims arrived on the political map, these people yearned for freedom and liberation through the Muslims. Iraq was under the Persian Emperor Chosroes, who was a very tyrannical ruler. The Iraqi people also wanted liberation by the Islamic State. These people saw the conquering Muslims as liberators.
