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Heraclius’ interview of Abu Sufyan about the Prophet


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The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had sent some letters to the kings and people in the region. One of the letters was for Heraclius, king of the Byzantines. He then interviewed Abu Sufyan who was in the land of Shaam (Syria) trading. After this incident, Heraclius accepted that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the Messenger of Allah, but did not want to follow him. After Abu Sufyan left, Heraclius had read the sky and it had predicted a circumcised leader would take his kingdom. Heraclius later made an appeal to his people to accept Islam, but they rejected it. For fear of losing his power over his people he did not accept Islam. Heraclius was astonished and terrified when he heard of the truth about the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Abu Sufyan had told him the Prophet came from a noble family, had no king ancestors, was not a liar and preached of good. He also explained that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)’s companions were mostly poor. Heraclius knew that these were the signs of prophet hood. He realized that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the true prophet of Allah. Heraclius even told Abu Sufyan his views. Both Heraclius and Abu Sufyan realized that what Heraclius was saying was true. They were both too arrogant at that time to accept that message. Abu Sufyan had only told the truth to be seen of his companions, otherwise he would have lied. They were both shaken by this incident. This was a great incident for Abu Sufyan. Abu Sufyan later became a Muslim, but Heraclius did not.

Heraclius later had a vision in the stars about a circumcised leader taking over his kingdom. Heraclius thought it was the Jews, but he later realized it was from the Arabs who also circumcised their men. He realized it had to be the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him). Heraclius was terrified and scared for his kingdom. Heraclius couldn’t bring himself to accept Islam. His pride prevented him from realizing the truth. Heraclius had read in the Bible about a prophet to come. He realized that it had to be the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This incident convinced him that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was that messenger. Heraclius realized that the Arabs would take over his kingdom and knew it was inevitable.

Heraclius alerted his friend in Rome about this situation and he agreed that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the true messenger of Allah. After bringing his people to him, he asked them to accept Islam and the prophet hood of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). His people reacted by trying to run away from his palace, but the doors were locked. The people were summoned back and Heraclius told them that it was just to test their sincerity. The people prostrated before Heraclius. Heraclius saw his people’s aversion from Islam and knew that they would not accept the message of Islam. He had realized the truth, but his fear of losing the support of his people kept him from accepting the message of Islam. He was too arrogant to give up what he had for the sake of Islam.

Heraclius had realized the truth, but failed to accept it. He had realized the truthfulness and justice of Islam, but did not accept. He didn’t want to lose his kingdom, although he knew he would inevitably lose it at the lands of the Muslims. He knew that prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his followers were the true rulers of the land he was standing on.

Date: 3/7/03