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Ruling on Photographs and Pictures


DK's Domain

There are various different rulings on whether photographs, pictures, and paintings are permissible. There are, however, some general guidelines we must follow to ensure the permissibility of our actions. The fact of the matter is we have to look at what we are representing in the picture. There are two main opinions in regards to photography.

The first major opinion is that it is permissible to take photographs, since the prohibition is due to the fact that the artist is imitating Allah’s creation. In fact, all the person with the camera is doing is replicating a picture of the real world, and not trying to compete with Allah as a creator. However, the other opinion is that in fact it is not good to take pictures, because are making an image of Allah’s creation. They argue that the fact is that making any images of animal or human objects is forbidden and therefore discouraged to Muslims. They still say that it is permissible to use photography for record-keeping, licenses, identification, and other important documents. Most people really don’t think too hard on this, and they agree with the first opinion overwhelmingly over the second. We must realize that that both have valid evidence, so if a person wants to follow the way they think is right then we should not discourage them from doing so.

The main problem in photography and picture-making lies in the object that is represented. There are certain things which are not allowed to be depicted in pictures, and these prohibitions have a great deal of support from Quran and Sunnah, so they are very sound. The first thing is that the object should not be a symbol, an idol, or have anything to do with another religious system. The object should not be one that is rejecting the existence or power of Allah. The picture should not represent a leader or a high politic figure revering him like he is super human. Many people almost worship their dictators and presidents as if they are super natural and beyond greatness. This is wrong and Muslims should take no part in this. We also should not take pictures of evil actions, or wrong-doing people. None of the pictures should have anything which is against the moral code of Islam. Those people who do evil and commit evil actions should not be revered so much. Pictures of animals or people created not for respect are generally detestable, but not forbidden. Any picture which contains inanimate objects and plants is completely permissible to use. These objects are only unlawful, when the object portrayed in the picture is unlawful.

So, after outlining the many different aspects of the rulings on photography, there should be no doubt that lewdness, obscenity, idolatry, shirk, and symbols of other religions in pictures are forbidden for Muslims to have. The other point is that which ever point of view you think is right, you should follow it. There no need for Muslims to argue on little matters ignoring major aspects like smoking, drinking, gambling, watching bad things that Muslims all over the world are involved in. The legislation for pictures does not pertain to statues. The issue of statues is an entire different matter. Statues are prohibited, unless they are defaced or used as children’s toys.

Date: 12/11/03