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Work and Livelihood


DK's Domain

Every person is required to work to earn income and sustain his family. It is unlawful to neglect your responsibilities and depend on charity when one can earn for himself. Begging is allowed only if you cannot support yourself. The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taught us that work is very important and that when we agree to do some work, we should do it to the fullest extent of our abilities. Laziness comes from Satan. There are many people these days that neglect work out of pure laziness and this is wrong. The general rules regarding a business transaction is that none of the two parties should experience any loss. It is absolutely prohibited to take other people’s money wrongfully. Among the prohibited business practises are theft, bribery, gambling, cheating, fraud, misrepresentation, and usury. There are many ruling regarding work and livelihood and which professions are allowed and which are not. Among the most important rulings is earning from agriculture, earning from different industries and professions, and the rulings on earning from trade and salaried jobs.

In Islam, man is encouraged to pursue a career in agriculture due to Allah’s bounties upon him. Agriculture is necessary for the growth and advancement of society. It is the foundation of the economy and gives support to the people to stand by themselves. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said about this that “When a Muslim plants a plant bearing fruit or cultivates a crop, no bird or human being eats from it without its being accounted as charity for him.” As long as this tree is living and it benefits many different creatures with its fruit, they will all be charity for the man who planted it. Some scholars say that agriculture is one of the best occupational fields for a Muslim to pursue. On major thing about agriculture is, however, that it is unlawful to plant or cultivate drugs or tobacco. The excuse that one is planting these drugs or tobacco to sell to the Non-Muslims is also not a valid excuse because Islam prohibits that, therefore it should not be sold to anyone for the propagation of what is unlawful.

Islam encourages many different types of occupations for a fair and balanced society which is independent from others. The Muslim state as a Muslim person should not go begging other states, unless there is a dire need. It is better for them to earn for themselves. Sciences are necessary for a society to advance and so they are deemed fard kiffayah, meaning obligatory, but if a few people do it, the rest are exempt. However if no one does it, it is a sin on all the people. Medicine is also very important and falls under the heading of sciences. The Quran encourages people to pursue many different types of occupations and promotes people to join different careers that will benefit the society and Islamic State at large. The basic fact is that every prophet of Allah worked for his living and none of them neglected their work. Among the prohibited types of occupations there are prostitution, dancing and erotic arts, making statues and figures, and the production of intoxicants and drugs.

Trade is a very important part of society and helps people to interact with each other. It encourages unity and is a common way for people to make money. Among the bounties Allah describes in the Quran is the establishment of Makkah as a secure sanctuary for trading goods. Trade is encouraged at all times of the year and also during Hajj, so that people can obtain some benefit while they are earning the blessings of their Lord. The Prophet also tells us that an honest trader will be with the prophets, the truthful, and the martyrs, who died in the cause of Allah, on the Day of Judgment. Two very common acts of traders which Islam discourages is the act of lying to sell produce and to cheat people in measurements making them pay a high price for a small quantity of a particular good. A profession in the government, an organization, or working for another person is lawful as long as it will not hurt another person. For example, if I work for a government which persecutes and fights other Muslims, it is unlawful for me to work for them or help them in anyway unless they force me to. The position should be filled by one who can qualify for the job and perform it well. If a job requires a lot of traveling and the person is not suitable for the job because he gets sick or can’t make the journey, he should pursue another career which he will be more suitable for. It is better for a Muslim not to seek power, but if power is offered, he should accept it, even the angels will help him perform his duties by the command of Allah.

Islam deems the majority of professions as lawful, and only outlaws unfair practices. Livelihood is an important thing for each human being and we should know the rulings concerning it. Majority of the rulings concerning employment is common sense to most Muslims, like if Islam says that alcohol is prohibited, then how can it allow the manufacture of it? Most of the Islamic legislation is clear on these matters and requires little thought for contemplation.

Date: 1/16/04