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Cool Persons


DK's Domain

The following are a list of people who made significant efforts for the good of others. Many of them are recognized on my website as Cool person of the month.

Cool person of the month: Allama Mashriqi (Inayatullah Khan Saab, rahmatallah alayh) struggled long and hard for the downtrodden poor of Punjab. His goal was to bring equality and honor for all the people of the world, and not allow the corrupt upper classes to use the weak to get higher in life. Allama Mashriqi was a great leader whose relentless drive for justice inspires the best out of every one who becomes acquainted with his writings and philosophies.

Cool person of the month: Anthony Quinn was a great, talented actor who had great roles in two particular movies: the Message and the Lion of the Desert. He is one of the greatest actors that ever lived, if you want to know why then watch some of his movies.

Cool person of the month: Sir Sayyed Ahmad Khan founded the famous Aligarh university in 1885. He saw British suppression of the Indian Muslims during this period and paved the way of their emancipation through education. Allah bless him for what he has done.

Cool person of the month: Omar Mukhtar was a great religious and opposition leader who defended Libya from foreign invasion by Italians for 20 years. God bless him for his patience and for striving for freedom of his people.

Cool person of the month: Malcolm X was a brave hero who fought for the rights of African Americans in the US. His dedication to Islam and justice is an influence to all people.

Cool person of the month: King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was one of the greatest Muslim leaders the world has ever known. He was one of the Saudi leaders who cared deeply for his people, and helped many Muslim brethren throughout the world, especially in Palestine, Pakistan, and Arab nations. He is still remembered for his unshakable belief in honor and his sympathy for the weak. King Faisal touched the hearts of many Muslim people in the world. Allah reward him.

Cool person of the month: Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is seen by the people of Pakistan as a national hero because of his devoted effort to develop the nuclear weapon as a counterweight to India. He is rightfully regarded as a savior of Pakistan, someone who respects the religion of the nation and sacrifices his life for its defense. God bless him.

Cool person of the month: James Zogby is the president of the Arab American Institute. He is a leading advocate for Arab and Muslim rights. He constantly engages with politicians and polls the American populace on Arabs and Arab causes. He works to the rid the racism and injustice against Arabs and Muslims which is so prevalent in America today. God bless him for his good work.

Cool person of the month: Dr. Israr Ahmad is one of the most prominent Islamic scholars in the history of South Asia. He is the founder of the revolutionary movement of Tanzeem-i-Islami. His teachings include the upliftment of the people and the rejuvination of the souls of the Muslims. Sayyid Dr. Israr Ahmad is someone who truly understands the situation of Pakistan and Muslims, and this is why he is revered so much. May Allah bless him in everything he does.

Cool person of the month: Uri Avnery is a former parliamentarian of the Israeli Knesset. He has made it his life goal to fight for the rights of Palestinians and to struggle against injustice. It takes alot of courage to do what he does. God bless him and his family.

Cool person of the month: Dr. Shahid Masood is the current affairs director of ARY digital. He presents tough issues about Muslims, and offers objective analysis on all issues relating to world events. He is currently in Lebanon filming the damage of the invasion. Few people have honored modern media as this man and stood up for the people with no voice.

Cool person of the month: Yasser Arafat. One of the greatest leaders of the Arab world, and the representative of the Palestinian freedom struggle. May he rest in peace.

Cool person of the month: Quad e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the founder of modern Pakistan. Through his selfless actions, he saved more than 300 million people from slaughter and death. He was a true hero.

Cool person of the month: Sayyid Qutb was the founder of Ikwan al Muslimun, Muslim Brotherhood. Because of his major influence and voice which resonated with his oppressed fellow Egyptians, he was imprisoned and killed in jail. He is known as one of the greatest Islamic scholars of our time.
