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Funny Pictures


DK's Domain
Jokes Page

A multi-tap for the SNES develpoed by Hudson. It's in the shape of Bomberman's head. Sweet.

A plan for a gamecube keyboard. It seems to stretch endlessly.

Some little kid pretending to be a ninja. Just looks plain weird. Ninjitsu is not clothes, armor, sword, mask deep.

A cowboy hat mixed with Ninja elements. This guy is my hero. hahaha.

The traditional Japanese lucky cat with a coin, except it is Winnie the Pooh. Wait a minute, he isn't a cat, so I wonder would it still be lucky?

It's that Cat bus-thingy from My Neighbor Totoro in plush form. Totally awesome.

A really funny sign. It's self-explanatory. These signs are all real signs.

The guy is diving into the water, but he doesn't see the scary shark-looking dolphin right in front of him. It's a real photo..

It's a funny picture bcuz the sign says thank you for driving carefully through our village and the dude busted his car by the sign. hahaha.

A self-contradictory sign.

This one made me laugh like crazy. It is a funny picture.

This sign rocks. Beware of falling cattle. It totally ownz man.

A federation mobile suit trying to stop a zeon zaku suit from attacking him in his home. It looks really funny. It was called, "Gundam Domestic Violence." I got it off this japanese website, so all the glory belongs to the citizen who thought up such an awesome idea.