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Jungle Rhythm - Episode 1


DK's Domain
Jungle Rhythm Main Page

KEY - Different characters are assigned different colors.

Now its time for JUNGLE RHYTHM!!!

(DK enters the spotlight)

DK: Welcome to the first episode of Jungle Rhythm! Today's topic is neglected Nintendo characters.

Crowd: DK, Donkey Kong, yeah !!!

DK: Today we will be interviewing Luigi, ness, the Ice Climbers, Kirby, and Cranky Kong. Wait a minute, Cranky Kong, oh no!

(Cranky enters with a huge cane)

DK: Hey pops, what's swingin'!

Cranky: Your hide! You left the crystal coconut unguarded and now the reptiles have it.

DK: I knew I forgot something.

Cranky: Hurry up and get it back!

DK: Banana Slamma!

(DK falls on his face, backflips, and runs out the door)

Cranky: Now since DK's out of here, it's time to start Crankey's Monkey Museum.

Crowd: Boo! We want DK!

Cranky: Now I have soem advice for you gamers out there. What's wrong with you, why are you deceived by colorful graphics and a variety of special moves? In my day, we had 8-bit graphics, no story, and just a jump button, and yet we still appreciated that.

(The crowd is silent)

Cranky: now let's see, all these people are from SNES and N64 games. Wait ... Everybody please welcome the Ice Climbers.

(Ice Climbers enter)

Man in audience: Huh? Who are these guys?

Cranky: The famous Ice Climbers, Popo and Nana!

Man in audience: They aren't famous!

(The Ice Climbers go into crowd after man)

Man in audience: Okay, sorry.

(Ice Climbers enter the stage)

Cranky: So, what's it like being the stars of the gaming world?

Popo (Blue Ice Climber): It feels good, the only thing is that there are no people where we live.

Cranky: Any suprises we should know of?

Nana (Pink Ice Climber): We are starring in Super Smash Bros. Melee for Gamecube.

Cranky: No way. Get out of here you hoodlums!!!

(Cranky chases the Ice Climbers out of the studio)

Cranky: Can't trust anyone these days.

That concludes today's episode of Jungle Rhythm. Have a good day everyone.

Script written on Winter 2001. Webpage made on June 2nd, 2006.