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South Asian Jokes


DK's Domain
Jokes Page

Note: Few of these jokes only South Asians may understand.

Joke No.1: Indians on the Moon

Question: What do you call 1 Indian on the moon?

Answer: Problem...

Q What do you call 10 Indians on the moon?

A Problem...

Q What do you call a 100 Indians on the moon?

A Problem...

Q What do you call ALL the Indians on the moon?

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A ...... Problem Solved!!!!!

Joke No.2: Ship Emergency

Once a cruise ship carrying people from all the nations was going on a around the world' tour when it got grounded. The ship became slow and finally came to a grinding halt.

Captain of the ship called an emergency meeting and told the passengers, "Friends, we are in trouble because of God's being angry with us. We need to give sacrifice and I need three people to sacrifice their life so that rest of us can be saved."

All of them moved towards the Deck where a Japanese came forward and shouted "Long live japan" and jumped into the sea.

Then a Christian stepped forward said "Hellulaja" and dived into the sea.

After that no one came forward for few seconds while people stared at each other and suddenly out of nowhere a Pathan came forward near the railing and chanted,


And Kicked the Indian standing next to him in the sea.

Joke No.3: Train Incident

Through the center of Lahore theres the new Afghan-Pak Express speeding along...

In one compartment of the train there are four people. A beautiful young woman, on old matronly woman, an American and a Pakistani....

Suddenly the train goes through a tunnel. It is completely dark, then is heard a loud kiss and an equally powerful slap. When the train exits the tunnel, the American is holding the side of his face and the Pakistani is grinning his face off.

The old matronly woman thinks ' Now thats a fine young woman, the American tries to steal a kiss in the tunnel and the lady slaps him one! '

The young woman is thinking ' Now thats a strange American, he'd rather kiss that old woman then me! '

The American is thinking ' Now that's a smart Pakistani! , he steals the kiss I'm the one who gets slapped '

The Pakistani is thinking ' Gee I'm smart!! The train goes through the tunnel, I kiss the back of my hand and get away with slapping an American'

Joke No.4:Saving a Life

A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a big dog. He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life.

A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says "You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers "Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl"

The man says - "But I am not a New Yorker!"

"Oh then it will say in newspapers in the morning "Brave American saves life of little girl'" - the policeman answers.

"But I am not an American!" - says the man. "Oh, what are you then?" The man says - "I am a Pakistani!"

The next day the newspapers prints headline "Extremist kills American dog. Connections to extremist networks are being investigated"

Joke No.5: Hairless Pakistani

What do you call a Pakistani with one hair?

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like Aik Baal (One Hair in Urdu/Hindi)