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Return of Metaknight Page


Dk's Domain Homepage
Samuari Soft Home

The Return of Metaknight is a game about Kirby. This game is made from The Games Factory. You need Winzip to download this file. The story is that Metaknight has taken over Dreamland and Kirby must defeat him, but it is actually more involed then that. The story plot changes alot, so it is not an easy game. The size of this game is massive(about 150 levels!), it took me about a year to finish this game. Due to my hard drive being washed. I lost this game, so the only thing that remains of this game are these images. I still keep it on my website, because it reminds me of how much work and effort I put into it. It was a truly awesome game, worth every minute. I am really proud of myself for creating this game.

Progress- Finished. Lost Forever.

"Many Dungeons to explore and many enemies to conquer." The game had alot of dungeons, some were platform kirby style levels, there were RPG-style levels, and even some RPG battles. The bosses were usually kinda hard and challenging, you had to run from them and shoot fireballs at them.

"Visit and explore three villages. Talk and mingle with people." The first village was a normal RPG like village. There is one screen, about seven houses, you could go inside and do random stuff like play minigames and talk to people. The second was a medium sized town with four screens and about fifteen houses, including police station and arcade. Also an enemy came he destroyed the town while Kirby was away, so you have to fight him and save the town form these evil gundam things. The last town was a very detailed four scene town with a bazaar, two arcades, and about 20 houses, all with minigames.

"A detailed long and suspenseful plot keeps you addicted to the game." Very complex and thoughtout plot. It had its occassional twists. There were also alot of high graphic cinematics. You discover Meta Knight's past, and even climb a huge set of stair levels and reach a temple where you discover the mystery behind Meta Knight's evil and how to defeat him. Kirby actually transforms into three forms until he reaches his last Super Kirby form which is Kirby with Super Saiyen blonde hair.

"Truly magnificant mini-games and obstacles! You haven't seen this much mini-games since Mario Party." They made up about half the stages. I would say about 50 + minigames. There were minigames where you had to collect things, destroy enemies in a time limit, bounce Kirby without him touching ground, a surfing level, a couple of shooter levels, and even RPG battles. In this level you have to dodge the archers' arrows and reach the star.
