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Seiken Densetsu 3


DK's Domain
Mario's Video Game Central



This Squaresoft game, developed as the sequel to the famous Secret of Mana, innovated the action-rpg genre. It offered enjoyable, action-packed gameplay and a well-developed storyline. The first improvement you will see is that the graphics and character models are very detailed. The music fits the gameplay very well, from upbeat fighting music, to slow town music, to sad storyline music. The battle system is based on the ability to have three characters on your team. The main character you selected in the is the default character the player plays as. The other two characters are computer characters. The player has the ability to toggle between characters at will. Each character has their own attributes, strengths, and weaknesses. To fight, all you do is walk across a field and when enemies appear, your character takes out a weapon and there is a normal attack button, which can have a three hit combo, and also a menu button which brings up a menu so one can choose to use an item or a magic spell in battle. There is a special attack guage which fills up as you hit enemies, once it fills all the way, pressing the normal attack button will result in a strong special attack. Each character has is own unique spells which can be selected from the battle menu. Afgter defeating all enemies in an area, the player can open a tresure chest for a treasure. Another innovative feature about this game is the fact that at levels 18 and then 38, by using a special item, the player can change classes between dark and light. Hence a player can be all light, all dark, dark-light, light-dark. This changes the moves they can learn and also allows for changes in stats. The game offers many storyline cinematics, and many towns to explore to talk to villagers, buy and sell items and weapons. The story is based on Mana Stones which each kingdom has to bring power and prosperity as a gift from the Mana Goddess to help people prosper. The balance between the Kingdoms is broken by an evil force, and so heroes from various places in the world journey to bring back peace to their world and look for the Sword of Mana which can vanquish evil. This game is reccommended for all action game and rpg game fans. This game was only released in Japan for the Super Nintendo, however it is available in the US by using a translated ROM which is easy to find.


Duran: Swordfighter of Grasslands country Forcena, he goes on a quest to fight an evil mage who attacked his king and town. His strengths are attack and defense, he learns Attack magic.

Kevin: The Grappler Kevin of the Beast Kingdom is the son of the Beast King who goes on a quest to avenge a friend of his killed by his fellow Beastmen. His strengths are attack, he can also transform into a wolfman at night to get stronger.

Hawk: Thief from the desert Kingdom of Navarre, he journey's to find a cure for the curse cast on the princess of his kingdom by a wicked witch. Fast movement and precise, quick attacks, can learn Attack magic.

Lise: The Amazon Princess of the Wind Kingdom of Rolante, she journeys to find her brother and save her kingdom from invasion. Strong attack, can learn Support magic.

Carlie: Granddaughter of the Priest of Light from the Holy city Wendel, she looks to avenge her caretaker Heath, and protect the Holy city Wendel. Strong magic, can learn Healing Magic.

Angela: Princess of the Magic Kingdom of Altena, leaves her hometown to stop Altena after the queen becomes power-hungry and bent on invasion of other nations. Strong Magic, can learn Healing Magic.