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Super Smash Brothers


DK's Domain
Mario's Video Game Central

The 5 best N64 Mario games to buy:

* Super Smash Bros-Fighting game with Nintendo characters

* Mario Party-Board game with 50 Mini-Games

* Super Mario 64-3-D adventure game

* Mario Kart 64- Racing game with battle mode and multiplayer mode

* Mario Tennis- Tennis game with power-ups, minigames, and great multiplayer

Smash Bros. is my favorite game. It has 12 characters all from Nintendo. 9 stages with added elements like Arwings in Fox McClouds stage. Most of the moves are from previous games like Samus's screw attack. They have a one player mode where you fight a hoard of Yoshis or the Mario Brothers. The boss is pretty easy. It's actually a really big glove called Master Hand. In the beginning you can play Mario, DK, Fox, Yoshi, Pikachu, Samus, Kirby and Link. Later you get Ness, Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon and Luigi.

Best way to get secrets:

* Ness-On 1 player mode set it to 3 and on normal.Beat the game without losing a continue and beat up Ness.

* Captain Falcon-Put it on very easy and beat the game in under 20 minutes.Beat up Captain Falcon.

* Jigglypuff-Just beat the game.Then beat Jigglypuff

* Luigi-Beat all the Bonus one practices with the 8 main guys(bonus guide help is coming).Then beat Luigi.

* Mushroom Kingdom-Beat the game with the 8 main guys.

* Sound Test- Beat the bonus games with EVERY character.

Smash Bros. Instant Kill #1 Get the Homerun Bat and do SMASH attack(front+A fast). Any one in your way is a instant victim!

Giant DK kill Pick Yoshi. Get to the very edge. Press B and turn him into an egg. If done right he will die. It works on other enemies too.

Instant kill #2 Pick the Mushroom Kindom. Walk all the way until you see a cursor pointing to you. If a enemy is close throw them into the dust!

Severe Damage From Ness When you are falling off the cliff use PK Thunder and hit yourself in the direction you want to go. You will go up with a super boost! If anyone touches you a whopping 30% damage will be done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fast Recovery Press Z or Down when someone throws you to get back on land quick.

Extra Kirby Jump If you puff up(up or any C)and still can’t make it, do Final Cutter(up+B)and get the boost you need.

Jigglypuff's Extra Width If the battle field is far away do this:Puff(up or C),Punch(B),Puff,Punch…………. And you’ll probably make it! Just don’t fall asleep.