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Zelda Games


DK's Domain
Mario's Video Game Central

Zelda: Ocarina of Time, N64

Zelda: The Ocarina of time is a definte classic! It is one of the the best video games on the Nintendo 64. The game play is awesome and the strategy is flawless. The story line is excellent. The graphics are not that good ,because it consists of the same technology as the games made before it used. In the game you can travel through time using the magical master sword. The game has tons of enemies and bosses. Zelda: The Ocarina was made game of the year of 1999 and it deserves that title.

Zelda 64 Tips: If your bad at PHANTOM GANON use bottles to reflect his magic. When he comes out of the picture and you miss our hit the wrong one, run to a small triforce on the side. If your bad at VOLVAGIA when he comes out go to the edge and fall grab the edge before you fall and Volvagia will go crazy and drop rocks and breath fire for nothing. When he comes out, hit him with the Megaton Hammer and slash him. On some falling platforms you can equip the hover boots and not fall.(Ex.Gannons Castle,Fire medallion room)

Zelda: Majora's Mask, N64

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is a much more innovative game than it's Hyrulian counterpart. The graphics are much richer and the storyline more deep. This game pits you in Termina with Epona and your adult weapons. You must collect masks which transform you into the creature repesented on it. You meet old friends and new enemies while fighting the most evil villian to ever embrace Link.....Majora's Mask!