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Mega Man Zero


DK's Domain
Mario's Video Game Central

Reasons why Megaman Zero is so cool:


Mega Man Zero comes many years after Mega Man X. X had died in the fight against the Mavericks. Zero is found and awoken. He is found by Ciel whose reploids are trying to fight the Mavericks. Zero joins them and tries to solve the mystery of what has happened to the world he once knew. Mega Man Zero allows you to use both a Z-saber and a gun at the same time. Once you defeat bosses, you will have access to new abilites. There are also little reploid helpers who can give you special powers if you equip them. You live in a base, and have to beat missions to progress in the game. You are given choices between your missions. Mega Man Zero has 4 games on the GBA, and each one is a continuation of the story from the previous, so they should be beat in order. The games are really hard and require alot of skill to beat.

Mega Man Zero 1

In the first game. Zero is found by Ciel and immediately has to help her. After you get back to the base, she asks you to help her fight the Mavericks. Zero then engages in missions to cripple the Maverick forces. This gets the attention of the Maverick leader Sigma, who then sends more forces to fight against Zero and Ciel. More will be written when I get farther in the game...