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Presence for Jeremy

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a kitten named Presence. Now Presence was no ordinary kitten, he was a cat of adventure. A cat that would not allow a human pet, he didn't like the humans. He thought they were not nice creatures, always yelling at him and throwing things at him.

So he decided that they were not worth his time or energy. He figured that this fact left him free to explore this great world and he had been around quite a bit for a cat of not quite a year old.

Well one day he was talking to some of his kitty friends and his best friend Bonzai started talking about a wonderous place. Endless kitty toys, neat things to scratch, soft pillows to sleep on and lots of food! But the kicker was that it was a human place!

"I do not believe it," said Presence. "That could not be true, humans are not nice at all! They always yell and get out those sticks with the straw at the end...I don't like those sticks."

His friend assured him that this was true, but it was a long journey, through the fluffy white stuff and real cold. "The trip is worth it," said his best friend Bonzai, "I've made the trip myself and saw all these wonderful things!" He started giving himself a bath.

"Remember when I was gone for a while last year? You guys wondered where I went? Well thats where I was...I had heard about it from another cat, and had to see for myself but I made a promise that I would not tell anyone until a bit before the day that the humans call Christmas. You know the one with the trees and lights and they all sing badly?

That one." Bonzai continued his bath. "Well I still don't believe you, "Presence meowed "humans cannot be nice. I haven't found one yet, not that I've looked very hard."

His friend Stinky,the only cat of the bunch that had a human pet, piped up."Its so nice having a warm place to sleep and good things to eat. My human is real nice. She lets my out when I want to go out and strokes my tummy...its so nice." He started to purr.

Bonzai continued his bath, then looked up at Presence, "You should go to this place," he purred..."I guarantee it will change your mind about the humans. I just have not looked real hard for a good human, but I know that they are out there." Well I have to go and see the butcher, he promised me a free dinner tonight! I'll see you guys later," and with a flick of his tail, (thats how cats wave to each other, I think.) he walked off into the coming darkness.

"I'd better find somewhere to settle for the dark time, "said Presence, "I feel a real chill in the air tonight." "Yes," said Stinky "my human will be wondering about me, I should get home. Such a lovely word, home. You really should change your mind about humans Presence, they're not all bad. Maybe you should see what Bonzai was talking about."

With that said, Stinky walked in the direction of his humans place.

"I won't change my mind about the humans, but I might go just for the adventure." Presence thought to himself, and shivered. Presence meowed goodbye to his friend, and went on his way to find a warm place for the night.