Pokechat TCG: Version 3By Jesse Jones ------------------------------------------------------- Evolves from Spam: Money man (Grass Pokechat) 60 HP Annoying Pokechat Hight:0'0" Weight:1 ton
Need Money ?: (2 grass)
Annoyance: (3 grass)
Annoying, annoying, annoying... Lv.1 #-1 (common) ------------------------------------------------------- Evolves from Leto: Matilda. (collorless Pokechat) 120 HP Owner Pokechat Hight: 6'4" Weight: 162 Pounds
Pokechat Power: trip over Matilda
Just lay there: (4 collorless)
Just lays there, inching along. Usually found by a lake, boiling kettle, another Matilda, a sheep, and these guys. Lv. 34 #174 (uncommon) ------------------------------------------------------- Basic Pokechat: Dr. fan (psykik Pokechat) 50 HP Spelling error Pokechat Hight: 0'8" weight: 2 lbs
Muste rools: (1 psykik)
Pyduk: (2 psykik)
Rarely (pun intended) Seen here anymore. Must have went to school. Lv.4 #159 (common) ------------------------------------------------------- Basic Pokechat: Z (Psychic Pokechat) 60 HP Strange Pokechat Hight: 5'11" weight: 40 lbs.
Weirdness: (1 psychic)
UP network: (2 psychic, 1 collorless)
Also rarely seen here. Must be helping SR-chan with the pictures.... Lv. 19 #152 (uncommon) ------------------------------------------------------- Trainer: Smiley Sharpen your Pencil. If it breaks, serarch your deck for a basic energy card. If it doesn't break, this attack does 20 damage + 20 more for each Leto you have in play. (uncommon) ------------------------------------------------------- Trainer: *LOL* The defending Pokechat is now Pyralized. Does 10 damage + 5 for each Pokechat on the bench. (Uncommon) ------------------------------------------------------- Evolves from Z: Z-apdos (Psychic Pokechat) 90 HP Psycho Pokechat Hight: 6'2" Weight: 60 lbs
Idiotic Supersonic: (3 Psychic)
Energy Bomb: (5 Psychic)
Extremly Psyco. Sometimes is too Psyco for it's own brain, it releses a Psyco-bomb. Lv.46 #164 (Rare) ------------------------------------------------------- Evolves from Mary: Scary Mary (Water Pokechat) 80 HP Freezing Pokechat Hight: 5'7" Weight: 120 lbs
Pokechat Power: Freeze
Scare: (3 water, 1 collorless)
Comes from Canada. Specializes in Frezzing and Scaring Attacks. Lv. 32 #173 (rare) ------------------------------------------------------- Trainer: Weirdness Shuffle 3 cards from your hand or bench into your deck. Now, draw 2 cards. Afterwards, search your deck for a basic energy. (Don't shuffle your deck afterwards. He, He, He...) (Rare- Holographic) ------------------------------------------------------- Trainer: Tornado Take any of your opponent's active Pokechat and put it in their hand. Afterwards, discard 1 energy from one of your Pokechat or do 20 damage to it. (Common) ------------------------------------------------------- Evolves from Stephen: Steven (Psychic Pokechat) 90 HP PHD Pokechat Hight: 6'5" Weight: 67 lbs
Pokechat Power: Neutron Sheild
Master Experiment: (5 psychic, 2 water, 2 grass, 2 fire)
Went to School all his life. Is starting on his 5th PHD. Lv.700 #250 (Super-rare Holo) ------------------------------------------------------- Evolves from Steven: Mazakala (Psychic Pokechat) 110 HP Spoon Pokechat Hight: 7'5" Weight: 100 lbs Spoon twiddle: (4 Psychic, 2 collorless) 50 damage.
Fake Super Potion: (3 psychic, 1 grass, 1 water, 1 fire, 1 ground)
Backwards spelling of Alakazam. Uses it's spoons for everything. Lv.701 #1,000 (rare) ------------------------------------------------------- { Go To The Pokéchat Discussion Forum | Go To Loose Change }