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Pokechat TCG: Version 3

By Jesse Jones


Evolves from Spam: Money man (Grass Pokechat) 60 HP

Annoying Pokechat Hight:0'0" Weight:1 ton

Need Money ?: (2 grass)
Become confuzzled. If you can read this card, the defending Pokechat is now confuzzled. 20 damage.

Annoyance: (3 grass)
As long as you use this attack, Money Man cannot retreat. 40 damage.

Annoying, annoying, annoying... Lv.1 #-1 (common)


Evolves from Leto: Matilda. (collorless Pokechat) 120 HP

Owner Pokechat Hight: 6'4" Weight: 162 Pounds

Pokechat Power: trip over Matilda
If the defending Pokechat tries to retreat, add one more retreat cost to the opponent and do 20 damage to it.

Just lay there: (4 collorless)
Flip a coin. (strange...) If heads, the defending Pokechat can't attack this turn. If tails, the defending Pokechat cannot retreat.

Just lays there, inching along. Usually found by a lake, boiling kettle, another Matilda, a sheep, and these guys. Lv. 34 #174 (uncommon)


Basic Pokechat: Dr. fan (psykik Pokechat) 50 HP

Spelling error Pokechat Hight: 0'8" weight: 2 lbs

Muste rools: (1 psykik)
DO SOMETHANG!!! If heads,the defending Pokechat is now confuzzled. 10 damage.

Pyduk: (2 psykik)
Swim across the Pacific Ocean. If you did it, do 10 1/2 damage to a Pokechat on the bench. (rounded to the neares 10) If you didn't, you got eaten by sharks. 20 damage.

Rarely (pun intended) Seen here anymore. Must have went to school. Lv.4 #159 (common)


Basic Pokechat: Z (Psychic Pokechat) 60 HP

Strange Pokechat Hight: 5'11" weight: 40 lbs.

Weirdness: (1 psychic)
If you have a weirdness Trainer card, this attack does 30 damage. Flip 2 computers. For every head, do 10 damage. (rounded to the nearest 10) ? damage.

UP network: (2 psychic, 1 collorless)
Flip a Boing. If heads, the defending Pokechat is now confuzzled. 20 damage.

Also rarely seen here. Must be helping SR-chan with the pictures.... Lv. 19 #152 (uncommon)


Trainer: Smiley

Sharpen your Pencil. If it breaks, serarch your deck for a basic energy card. If it doesn't break, this attack does 20 damage + 20 more for each Leto you have in play. (uncommon)


Trainer: *LOL*

The defending Pokechat is now Pyralized. Does 10 damage + 5 for each Pokechat on the bench. (Uncommon)


Evolves from Z: Z-apdos (Psychic Pokechat) 90 HP

Psycho Pokechat Hight: 6'2" Weight: 60 lbs

Idiotic Supersonic: (3 Psychic)
Go to Burger King. If they're out of toys, That'll be 1/7 in my Burger King record. If they have toys, YIPEEE!!! 30 damage.

Energy Bomb: (5 Psychic)
Ahh, the sweet taste of victory. If heads, the defending Pokechat is now confuzzled. 40 damage.

Extremly Psyco. Sometimes is too Psyco for it's own brain, it releses a Psyco-bomb. Lv.46 #164 (Rare)


Evolves from Mary: Scary Mary (Water Pokechat) 80 HP

Freezing Pokechat Hight: 5'7" Weight: 120 lbs

Pokechat Power: Freeze
As often as you like (before your attack) you may take one water energy from a Pokechat and place it onto another Pokechat.

Scare: (3 water, 1 collorless)
Ah Ha! If heads, Switch the active Pokechat with one on the bench. 40 damage.

Comes from Canada. Specializes in Frezzing and Scaring Attacks. Lv. 32 #173 (rare)


Trainer: Weirdness

Shuffle 3 cards from your hand or bench into your deck. Now, draw 2 cards. Afterwards, search your deck for a basic energy. (Don't shuffle your deck afterwards. He, He, He...) (Rare- Holographic)


Trainer: Tornado

Take any of your opponent's active Pokechat and put it in their hand. Afterwards, discard 1 energy from one of your Pokechat or do 20 damage to it. (Common)


Evolves from Stephen: Steven (Psychic Pokechat) 90 HP

PHD Pokechat Hight: 6'5" Weight: 67 lbs

Pokechat Power: Neutron Sheild
Whenever an opponent's attack damages on of your Pokechat, do 2 damage + 2 for each Pokechat on your bench. (Rounded to the nearest 10)

Master Experiment: (5 psychic, 2 water, 2 grass, 2 fire)
Discard 5 energy cards in order to use this attack. Steven does 10 damage to itself. 120 damage.

Went to School all his life. Is starting on his 5th PHD. Lv.700 #250 (Super-rare Holo)


Evolves from Steven: Mazakala (Psychic Pokechat) 110 HP

Spoon Pokechat Hight: 7'5" Weight: 100 lbs

Spoon twiddle: (4 Psychic, 2 collorless) 50 damage.

Fake Super Potion: (3 psychic, 1 grass, 1 water, 1 fire, 1 ground)
Spin a Rev-top Digglet. If it goes longer than 5 seconds, the Defending Pokechat is now pyralized. If less than 5 second, it's now Poisoned. Discard 2 energy cards attached to Mazakala in order to use this attack. 60 damage.

Backwards spelling of Alakazam. Uses it's spoons for everything. Lv.701 #1,000 (rare)


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