Name: Chris DeForge
Age: *X-Files music*
Gender: Male
ICQ#: AIM: MLStriker
Web Site: N/A
Fave. Message Board Icon: Blue Note
Fave. Pokemon Character: Erm...people who train growlithes?
Fave. Pokemon: Groooowlithe!
Other Info: I really like anime but I don't know too much about it! My
favorite animes are Tenchi Muyo and Gundam Wing. I've been at Pokechat for a
long time but I never wrote a profile. Lazy me. ^_^;
Name: Iris-Rei, but please, call me Iris.
Age: 12 (who's da li'l baby now? XD)
Gender: Let's guess. And if you say 'Female' I shall nod boredly and if you
say 'Male' you will suddenly not have a mouth to say 'Male' again.
Email: If Riku's poor domain is down, try or
ICQ#: My ICQ's 78232903, but I hardly ever use it. :P. AOL's
Web Site: Seriously under-updated. -.-;;.
Fave. Message Board Icon: The !. It's just so ! its !! You know? ! is just
so...hyper and !-ness! !!!! (!!!)
Fave. Pokemon Character: Ashy-boy's making an impression...;D. I guess I like
Giselle, Blaine, and whatsername, yeah, Misty.
Fave. Pokemon: FLAREON! But my own Flareon, Angie, is a big pain in the butt.
"HEY! And the name's ANGEL!" Yeah, well some angel you are. See what I mean?
Eevee evolutions and fire Pokémon are all faves. ^_^.
Other Info: Beware. Angie tends to sneak on my computer all the time. She may
try to impersonate me. c.c;. I might also just pop up for no reason and post
the lyrics of a song I like/describes how I'm feeling at the moment.
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