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download atomfoam's midi music.

This is a page dedicated to music I have produced through a program called NoteWorthyComposer. Sometime in the winter of 2000-2001 i decided to take on the task of learning to write music down on paper. During this time I discovered NoteWorthy, and chose to take full advantage of its ability to play back written music using MIDI instruments. Personaly, I hate the sound of the instruments, and I wish I did not have to insult everybody, and the music itself by representing it so poorly. But, unfortunatly, this is all I've got. To keep these files small and easily downloadable, I am uploading them in the original MIDI format. That means it is more than likely you will be hearing different sounding instruments than I hear. keep it in mind. ----atomfoam.

here at the top are three new scores for two pianos, still being worked on, but these are the versions as of 4/20/02.

888-888-888 the first pure 12tone track ive ever worked on. perfectly equal number of notes.

888-888-888 My 2nd track for two pianos, and 3rd track for a score stricly for piano/s. Starts out with piano #1's upper register playing in b-flat minor, and the lower register playing the 5 missing notes from the upper register's scale. This tactic causes what is called polytonality (the use of all the chromatic notes, as opposed to just the common 7). Piano #2 also polytonal, uses the reversed register scales from piano #1. Emphasis is later put on the leftover 5 notes (B, D, E, G, and A) and b-flat minor is dropped, bringing up the notes C and F and switching all 4 registers over to a strict A-minor. The registers formerly playing the leftover 5 notes from the b-flat minor scale now pick up only A, C, D, F and G. The registers that once played the b-flat minor scale are then switched over to G#minor, and again what would be called "atonality" (really "polytonality") occours until the unconverted staffs join in G#minor for the finish.

888-888-888 Just a quick piano track in b-flat minor.

000-000-000 Originaly, most of this was written for a string quartet. It has been my latest MIDI-related project to change that. Now for two pianos, a stand-up bass, and a xylophone. This is pretty much finished, I dont think I'll ever touch it again, unless I can switch it back to a string quartet and convert the xylophone and bass parts into a piano. But my MIDI strings are unbearable to listen to, and I'm not really comfortable with writing for strings yet anyways. Maybe someday.

000-000-000 A small number for two guitars and one bass. I worked this out with live instruments once with my friend Matt. We were missing a 3rd set of hands so it was never recorded or played live. --later this was worked on again with a few friends of mine, and only about half of it was worked on and recorded.

000-000-000 The longest track i have created so far. This one lasts 6 minutes. It's written mostly for tuned percussion instruments. There are few parts I'm not too proud of, but overall, it's not so bad.

000-000-000 One of the first things I wrote for MIDI. It's stricly piano with a stolen piece from Bach. You can notice the part if you listen to the "piano and friends" track, because it's the only solo piano in that version. I've tried to have this played a few times, but physicaly nobody has been able to do it. Not that it's very difficult, I've just been barking up the wrong trees. One piano teacher refused to even try because of "weird" time signatures. what a jerk! I've got one more hope left for the moment, we'll see how that goes. But if you're on this website, and your a halfway decent pianist. Contact me if you're interested in trying to get a recording of it together, and i can send you a copy of the score. (

000-000-000 Piano and Friends. The older piano track with an added bassoon and flute. It's a bit of an odd combination, but it seems to sound okay in MIDI. I don't know if I could stick to it with real instruments.

000-000-000 A song I wrote while watching the 80's TV show "227". My disgust for the show is noticeable in the song. This is the soundtrack to somebody getting their "face punched in".

000-000-000 I don't really have too much to say about this one. I like the first part. The other two are just fillers because I didn't want to work on it anymore. This song originaly was an excuse to put that rediculous sounding MIDI bag pipe in some of my music. It DID squeeze its way in there, and it DOES sound rediculous.

000-000-000 Another early song and experiment in group instrument disegration. The tuned percussion section fades down while the Strings fade up. They join at the end.

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