Hello and Welcome
to my
Special Featured Recipe(s)!
Apology time:
I've been very busy with other things and have really neglected my pages,
I'm truly sorry.
Most of you know that these pages up until now have been built using WebTv.. Well, now, I have a computer.
But to all my 'Webbie Friends' fear not, I'll not forget my 'roots'!
Anyhow, this is mostly stuff that I've whipped up
in my own kitchen and wanted to share with you.
(Ahh....The Joy of cooking!!)
All recipes featured here are on their own pages for your printing ease!!
Wow! It's getting to be Autumn already! Anyhow, I'm sharing my recipe links with you here until I can get started updating again. You are sure to find something to your liking here...
~Recipe Links~
I promise to keep up better with adding new recipes, I have a ton saved! If you check out my Archives, you'll see a brand new catagory!
I've also added a page to my Tips Section! :-) See, I have been updating!
Next page is where you'll find my favorite recipe sites!
(be sure to look, as they will have something special for Everyone!!)
Recipe Links!
Now in better order, with more added all the time...be watching!!
The complete list of all my pages!
My Main Index!!
From My Friends and family! :-)
Web Friends Favorites!
Back to My Kitchen! see what else is cooking!
Plus, you can get a refill of whatever your drinking...lol!!
(Even though the gif site is gone,
there is still a lot here
I felt the need to keep the banner...)