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Sonnet to My Garden
by S. Gamgee
c. 1436 SR

To you who are my life, my passion, love
I'll e'er devote my hours all to thee.
With gentle hand or practiced spade I shove
And care for flowers 'neath the Mallorn tree.

But while all flowers dwell within the earth,
A few dwell closer yet within my heart:
Elanor, Rosies, Daisy, Primrose. Worth
More than a thousand treasures for their part.

Though shadowed was my path I came to this,
A life of simple beauty filled with flow'rs.
Your varied ways and colors bring me bliss
To be with you's to be 'neath sheltered bow'r.

Since from the tending I've gained bountifully,
I'll stay a Gardner all eternity.

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