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Ok you guys let me lettcha in on a lil SeCrEt....I have seen *Tha Man OF My DrEaMs* ((in a dream of course duh!)).....For the longest time everynight I would get all these crazy StUpid dreams that didn't really mount up to anything...They were just shOrt little childish dreams with no REAL people in them...THEN one night he "came to me"...he was like 6' something, BUILT, Blonde hair & BrOwN eyes (blonde hair & bRown eyes have just alwaYs been uniQue to me neways)...He had the SwEEtiest personality and seem to be cRaZy about me..and I was CRAZY about him. I don't remember too many small details but I do remember he had this PHAT hunter Green SUBURBAN...and he let me drive it!!...NOW to all you eligible FINE guyz out there I didn't write this to disCoURaGe any of ya! I LOVE BLUE eyes & brunette haIr too!!...aNd I donno if this dream was for real BUT yA never know!

*The PerFeCt man Of my dreams would....

DEFINATELY like me for my PeRsOnaLiTy and not just the way I look...Or what he *thinks* he can get from me....

NEVER love anything more than me (EXAMPLE: TRUCKS..EVENTS...SPORTS...OTHER GIRLS!)

WANT to do whatever he can to make ME happy!

HAVE to be someone who can relate to my FEELINGS and in general ME....

SHOW me how much he LOVES me (and not lie & tell me he loves me if he doesn't!).......

ALWAYS be there when I needed SOMEONE...

MAKE me LAUGH!!....a good humor is very important!

TAKE ME OUT on REAL dates...(PARKING is not a REAL DATE!!..don't even try it!!)

ALWAYS rely on GOD....GOD is very important!

((OK OK so there PROBALLY is no PERFECT guy of my dreams..BUT it never hurts to wish for the BEST!))

**In ALL honesty...the *PERFECT man for me is the one that GOD has picked out for me...I just prey that he will help me wait for that one to come along...I know he will SOMEDAY!**