Ok Well Ya'LL pRoLLy thought I was fixing to start nameing OfF all mah friends and telling what I thought about all Of'em...BUT you guYz must be CRAZY!!...SoRRy But I've *beEn there tRied that!*... FoR ONE thang I have like 140ppl on My ICQ liST alone...not to menTion eVerYone On My AOL IM, and PPL I talk to thru EMAIL..PLUS I have MaNy other FrIenDs that would feel SoOOo leFt out if I fOrGoT to list them..So Here GoEs you GuYZ & GuRlZ!....IF YOu'Re one of My MaNy FRIENDS in this WoRld you know who YOU aRe..*I LOVE YA ALL!*And If YOU wanna be In Mah WeBpAgE I suggest you
(PICS of my SoMeOFMYfRiEnDs are CommINg SOoN!)