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Before you can breed your bettas they must be conditioned. Conditioning helps the female become ripe with eggs; and the helps the male become healthier and ready for breeding.To condition your bettas you must feed them a mass amount of highly nutrious foods.There are many different foods that will do the job. We will recommend some of the foods we use.You need to feed the pair about 3-4 times a day.You might want to clean your tank if it gets a little to messy.

MOSQUITO LARVAE:This is the absolute best food for bettas. They love it! I have never used it before though. It must be harvested from a water source such as a lake or pond. I have not found it anywhere, even.But if you do find it you must clean it very well because it is crawling with bacteria.

FREEZE DRIED BLOODWORMS:This is a common food that can be found at most pet stores. It has been freeze dried to remove all bacteria and other harmful things from the bloodworms.

LIVE BRINE SHRIMP:Live brine shrimp are very hard to find. That is why most people have to hatch their own shrimp. Eggs may be a little bit easier to find. Your local pet store might be able to order some for you if they don't have any. The eggs aren't really hard to hatch. Plus we have a page that tells you exactly how to hatch brine shrimp.

FREEZE DRIED BRINE SHRIMP: This food is a pretty good food although it is not as good as live brine shrimp. It has been treated and freeze dried to remove any bacteria.

BETTA BIOGOLD: This is an excellent betta food. It comes in small round pellets that don't sink to the bottom which makes for easier cleaning. All you have to do is scoop uneaten pellets out with your fish net.

FREEZE DRIED TUBIFEX WORMS: This food comes in cubed form. Then you press the cube against the side of the tank. It then breaks apart and the bettas eat it. I don't have much experience with this food.