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Ok, so at the moment I forgot all my ramblings that I wanted to share with you, but don't worry, it'll get here! Hehehehhehehehehheheheheheheh.... Be afraid, be very afraid!

I am Insane, Random Thoughts, Alphabet, Pages, Life, Sun Burns, War, Links, Dreams, Thought, Fear, Ghosts, Timing

I am Insane:

I was just recently looking through my email, deciding what to trash, and wondering why I have some of the stuff that I have. Then I came over this one letter that I sent to someone, and I think it is worthy of mention... so be prepaired to be amazed at the oddity of my insanity! (Names have been blanked to protect the innocent.)

HI there *****,

This is Stephanie and ******* here thinking about what is going on with us and the guilde.... *** says "I hear that, through Mom, that you were thinking about getting rid of the Guards. And, umm, so what would I end up doing?" I personally am tied at the moment weather I want to stay in the Guilde or not. I have no transportation or money and I hate to impose on other people, them willing or not. *** asks..."...I don't know. No, don't write that... Ok, ok, ok, seriously, get rid of all that... (I can't remember the rest of what he mumbled) Get rid of that...I am not going to be your friend...Well this is to Stephanie. Haha. Haha. (I am stoping until he says something real) I know that the court jester that Queen Elizabeth had was extremely short, and if you want I could try to be extremely short..." [This is to demonstrate how terribly insane *** and I are.]

But really, I would love to stay, just have no means. So I don't know just quite yet. Is that ok? *** says in a wispered voice..."...Bye *****...End quotations...end quotations... end quotations..." "Ok open quotations... Open quotations... OK *****, see you at the next faire...Have fun, Bye bye... End quotation"

AKA~~~Carmental's Fairy~~~
AKA-Carmental, Apprentice to Death's Apprentice the Wicked Jester
AKA--Greek Priestess, Carmental
AKA---Wierd one that has too much free time on her hands :)
AKA--Mistress Amythyst Crough of the Queen's Household
AKA-Stephanie, Head Mistress of the Gathering of the wild side of DnD
AKA~~~Harley Quinn~~~
AKA***Her Fanged Magesty, The Red Vampiress, Lilith 'Bloodsucker' Vanderkamp***
AKA~Princess Rose of Catland
AKA-Lady Stephanie Cass
AKA-Stephanie Cass

*** says..."That's all of them?" I say..."Yea, I need a few more, don't I?" *** says..."Yea! I am going to leave before I cause more trouble..." I say..."Too late!"

Random Thoughts:

HI! Today is April 5, 2001. I am now bored. I have been updating this page for the past hour or so and I am about to go to bed. But I figured that since I am here, I might as well say something. Something.

Has anyone ever heard some invisible voices calling their name? I do. Continually. It gets annoying sometimes, mostly because when I stop to check who is calling me, and ask for who said my name, I don't get a response. It is as if the person who called out my name isn't there. Odd aint it?


OK, here we go... You know the ABC's... sing along with me now...

ehh bee sea dee eee ef gee ach eye jay kay el em en oh pea queue are es tea you ve double-you ex why and zee. Now you know your ehh-bee-sea's, next time won't you sing with me.

Wouldn't it be fun to write like that? Word for word, that would be a cool code...Try to decipher this:

Oh-kay, eye-ef why-oh-you sea-ehh-en dee-eee-sea-eye-pea-ach-eee-are tea-ach-eye-es tea-eh-eee-en why-oh-you ehh-are-eee are-eee-ehh-el-el-why bee-oh-ehh-are-dee. Bee-you-tea, double-you-ach-ehh-tea eye-es double-you-oh-are-es-eee? Tea-ach-ehh-tea why-oh-you sea-ehh-en are-eee-ehh-dee tea-ach-eye-es, oh-are tea-ach-ehh-tea Eye ehh-em double-you-are-eye-ta-eye-en-gee tea-ach-eye-es?



I am just going to say a few things, You know about classification of web-pages right? Well, I have come to the conclusion that there are really basically only three different types of pages out there on the Web.
One being the Professional web page, that is there for one reason, and one reason only, to make you buy that product that you really don't need, but you must have anyway.
Then there is the Information web page. This type of page does not care weather you buy a certain product, but it will tell you the 'truths' about that product or action, or what be it.
Last but not least there is the Personal Ego Page. That is what this page is. There is nothing on here that might be of interest to the general public, and I am not selling anything. The number One way to spot an Ego page, is that the Ego pages have a number of I's all around, they are in essence watching you... All those I's....
Ok, so there is my thought for the week. Have fun and tell me about it in my new guestbook. I I I.
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.


Life, what does that really mean? Why are we here? What is the purpose of life on earth?
Some say that we are here to be here. That life is a continual circle of birth-life-death-regeneration-and birth again.
But I don't know. Some say that God put us here so that... well, I still don't really know why.
But as far as I know, I am here to have fun. I want to have as much fun in my life as possible. That is why if you ever hear me, I always say when you leave, 'Have Fun'.
Because I don't see any other point in life. If there is, what is it? Are we supposed to procede with this life and then try to go to a 'higher level'? Or are we supposed to just 'be'. And if we are supposed to just 'be', what are we supposed to be?
And if we are supposed to go to a higher level, what about peoples who don't go to higher levels? Can someone go to a lower level. If they can, then why? And would someone want to go to a lower level? Would someone want to try to worsen themselves? Or are we all supposed to try to better ourselves? Are we all supposed to be continually doing something? And if so why? What is the point in making money, if you don't have time to enjoy it? What is the point in doing work if you don't have time to enjoy it? A person would say that they will have time to enjoy all the money they make in the future, but do they really have a future? Is there really a time in thier life that they will be able to enjoy what they have saved for so long?
Sowie, I am supposed to be talking about my views on life, but really I suppose I don't have much of a view more than that of be happy and enjoy what you have now. Don't wait till later. Because you never know if later will acctually be.

Take the example of a person just diagnosed with cancer or AIDS or some other life threatening disease. The person knows that (s)he has only a certain time to live. Now, this person has a choice, do they live life to the fullest, knowing that they only have a few days left or so, or do they go about doing the same old thing?
And if they choose to live life to the fullest after recieving news that they only have so long to live, why choose that then, and not before they were told they have a limited time to live?

Anyway, that is my blab for the day. Hope you enjoy, and I hope that I have enlightened at least some of you who can cypher what I have said here. Yea, I'll admit I am not always all that clear, but why should I be, I think I will leave that one for another IMHO.

Sun Burns:

Who ever said that once you get burnt, you don't get burnt over the same place? Who ever said that should be shot! Or at least that person has never been to a beach or forgotten to wear sunscreen.

Well, I tell you, I was at a beach yesterday, and I wanted my legs to tan. They are this porcelin white that would blind anyone not wearing sunglasses. Anyway, my arms and face have been burnt over and over and over again. They are now this golden brown...
I had put on sunscreen all over my body...and by the end of the day, that is when I came back home to investigate my burns and such, I found that I had three burns on me.
One on both my feet, I didn't realize that I didn't put enough sunscreen on them. Oh well.
One on the underside of my right knee. And I am telling you, always get the underside of your knees because they really hurt when burnt!
And where do you think I got the other burn? On the place most likely not to get burnt, my arm! Thankfully though, it isn't that bad, because by today, it has gone! To mesh in with the other burns.

So, don't tell me that you never get burnt in the same place twice! Because they do!

My legs have stayed white. Arg!


War Sucks!

Why is it that we as a people seem not to think that? Why do we like to glorify the 'evil' part of our society? Why is it that War is so honored?
Sometimes I just want to cry out "People, make love not war." Love is the way to go. If you want to fear, go ahead, but know that life won't be as easy as it could be! With God's love, you can do anything... Anything you want. And when you can do anything you want, what reason would you have to make war?
War is not necessary. You know how people continually talk about how if there was a woman as president, there would be less war and more tea parties... well, go on honey!
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. When you make war, you hurt your brother, she might be French, Spanish, British, Canadian, African, Indian... Whatever! He is still your sister! Would you kill your brother just because you had a dissagreement? In essence, when you make war, you are killing your sisters over a petty dissagreement. Yes, there are threats, as we see them now. But there is a way to get rid of the threat.
Love your sister! Love your brother! Forgive him for what she has done to you that you think is 'bad'. Don't dwell on the 'bad' parts of life, keep on living with NOW and live life to the fullest.

Now, I am sure that there are those of you who would think that war resolves things. That the only way to really have peace is to build bombs and warheads and neucular weapons and joining the armed forces or peace corps.
Well, that isn't the way to obtain peace! Thinking back to earlyer years, back in elementary and junior high school, I always got nagged about, teased. But then I was told by someone, that all I had to do was to just ignore them. Let them have thier way and then they would go away. The pain they would try to inflict on me would be non-existant. So maybe that is what we need to do...

We need to Love our siblings! Forgive and forget thier 'wrong' doings and live life... Love Life! Live Life with LOVE!


Ok, so this one is kinda wierd. I am talking about all those links people send me to these wierd places... Like, have you seen the hampster Dance yet? Well if not, go check it out!
But really, I have friends sending me all this wierd stuff. I am not saying that this is bad, but I wanted to share it with you, so I will not have to do any spaming, because I think that they are fun, sometimes.

Oh, check these out... Smilies Need an Iron? Life Reading


Dreams are a wonderful outlet. They let a person fly and surf and walk and play around. Dreams relieve stress. And they let a person see into the future, past and present.
I love to remember my dreams, because they tell me much about me.

Like there was this one dream that I really like that goes like this...
I was walking in the store at its grand opening. I was at the bottom of a stair well wearing a brown trench coat and I bumped into Montel Williams. I wanted to talk to him, but he just said hi and left. I also saw Sylvia Browne and then I left. I was walking in the parking lot that looked much like the parking lot at the WestSide Family YMCA. I proceded to take off my coat and then a pair of brown leather-feather wings appeared on my back. I then went to some apartment house where I saved Linda Hamilton's life, I think she was in an abusive situation.
But the cool think is that the next day, I was working at bookstar and I had inadvertantly streatched out my wings.

But dreams are cool. As I say they let you do so many things. Try it... Try at least once to remember your dream. Begin by dreaming and then the moment you wake up write down all that you can remember. I tell you, after a month of doing this, you can really get to know yourself.
Oh, and don't worry about trying to decipher your dreams. Only you know what you dream. Only you know what your dreams mean. No book or dictionary will be able to tell you. And even if you ask your firends or family, they can only tell you thier side. You have to come up with what the dreams means to you. But, when you are ready to decipher, you will. And you will have a great time doing so.

The power of thought is very real indeed. If a person thinks that someone will not greet them hard enough, then of course that person will not greet them. If a person thinks that they are not going to find something then of course they are not going to find it!

See, thought is a powerful thing indeed. So when you say you are going to think about something, you are taking upon yourself a great power. Think about it and then act on it.

I don't know about you, but everytime I see something, and I want it changed, I think about how it can get changed. Then somehow, a couple of weeks later or something like that, that thing happens.

I have this thing, where if you think about something, wanting it not to come true, it often does. That is why I am so insane. But really, That is why silent prayer works so well... Because you are thinking about something you want to happen so bad, that it acctually happens. The only reason something would not happen, is because we let fear into our thought process and make us think that our prayer won't happen.

As Far as I know, there is nothing to fear but fear itself. I believe fear breads danger, and in danger there is always fear. I am sure that you have seen horror flicks, or if you haven't then I can prolly tell you why... Your afraid, and that is perfectly ok. Because Fear is what drives horror. You notice that when everyone is happy nothing bad goes on, but when someone gets a little fearful, there they go, danger all around...and I wouldn't blame you not to want to go see the horror flick. You don't want the fear to pass on to you therefore making whatever horror come after you.

But there is a way to watch horror without worrying. disregard the fear! Yes, don't believe it! I mean, it is only a movie!
But you say, what if the horror is in real life, do I ignore it then too? No, because then you become apathetic, and that is worse then fearful. No. I say you should confront the real life fears, get to know them, be it afraid of confrontation, fear of heights... whatnot... Get to know it, and then let it go!
Because our limitations are made by fear. You wonder why we have so many legislations, propositions on ballots. Its because we are afraid of one another. We have let fear get so close to us that we have to have these bills go into place so someone can take care of us.

But we need to let go, fear breeds horror, horror breeds fear, fear breads horror, horror breads fear, and so on and so forth. So if you want to not have any horror in your life, live without fear!

(Hard one ehh?)


Sure I believe in them. (I believe in many things.) I even believe I have a ghost in my Fathers house. A little girl that occationally plays with a glowing ball. (Ok, I hear her name is Mary.)

I saw her last summer when I was looking for my super bouncy balls. During that time I was going to the mall and every time I went, I would buy a new super-bouncy ball. But by the time I came home every day I would loose the ball in the house because I would have my cat chase after it...

So one day I was looking for all my balls. I found one, it was bouncing right toward me. As if it had a motion all of itself. Then I saw her, or an apparition... It was like I saw a white light that had a little silver light bouncing in front of it.
Every once in a while after that day I saw a little light bouncing in the same area...and would find yet another super-bouncy ball.

But then after I found all my bouncy balls, I stopped seeing her. Maybe sometime, later, like in summer, I will collect more super-bouncy balls and see the ghost again.

OK, so I have this thing where, when I have planned to do something and I do something else for even a split second, then I will miss the first thing that I had planned to do.
Maybe I was not supposed to see Max again today. Shoot. Or maybe, we have our timing off...
Anyway, the thing is today, I was supposed to meet Max today in the computer Lab around 4:30. But then Sandra wanted me to go down and walk her to see her father pick her up, I always do, so I went. I thought I would be back in time to meet Max, but I guess I am not. I don't know, I mean I was gone for not even ten minutes. Arg, well this isn't the first time he flaked. But that I shall leave to another IMHO.

But the thing is, I don't know if he will come here afterwords or not. Shoot, I was hoping to get a ride from him and all, I mean I have no more money for bus and stuff.
I should have stayed here. Because I bet that the moment I walked out that door, he came into the room, didn't see me, figured that I would not wait for him, and left. Arg.

But I shouldn't dwel on that or anything for that matter. But what I will do is acctually wait 'till 6pm and then go to class. Pick up my assignments and then Vamoosh.

Ok, so this is a lame IMHO, but it is a blab. So there.

Let's get back to basics. , What's on your mind? , What are you looking for?