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Proper Episcopalians

The Real Working Beliefs of Most Episcopalians

---Episcopalians occasionally believe in miracles and sometimes even expect them, particularly during stewardship canvasses or when electing bishops or vicars, or recruiting church school teachers.

---Episcopalians believe in ecumenical dialogue because they are certain that after all is said and done, everyone else is bound to become Episcopalian.

---Episcopalians strongly belive in Scripture, tradition and reason. While they aren't sure what they believe about these three things, there is almost universal agreement that that is hardly the point.

---Episcopalians believe that everything in their life and faith is improved by the presence of good food and drink, not including lime-carrot jello, tropical punch koolaid, or canned tuna fish in any form.

---Episcopalians believe that anything worth doing is especially worth doing if it has an obscure title attached to it (e.g. sexton, thurifer, suffragan, canon, dean).

---Likewise, Episcopalians believe that any place worth visiting is greatly enhanced by a name that only obliquely describes it (e.g. nave, narthex, sacristy, undercroft, church school supply room).

---Episcopalians firmly believe that coffee hour is the eighth sacrament, but only if the coffee is caffeinated.

---Episcopalians believe that anthems are most efficacious if sung in Latin or German, especially during Lent.

---Episopalians generally believe that they are the only people God trusts enough to take the summers off from church.

---Some Episcopalians believe Rite I is the best expression of the liturgy. Some believe Rite II is better. Most Episcopalians haven't noticed the difference, they just hope the whole thing is over before noon.

This was sent to me by Fr. Lynn on March 27,2001.

Let's get back to basics. , What's on your mind? , What are you looking for?