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The History of the 12 Days of Christmas

This is the story behind the song "12 Days of Christmas".

Twelve Days Of Christmas

The 12 Days of Christmas was written in England more that 400 yrs ago by Catholics who were told by the Church of England they couldn't express their religious beliefs. Fearful that the children might forget the important allegory was written. Here is what the 12 Days of Christmas means.

A Partridge In A Pear Tree
A partridge was a valiant bird that would fight to its death to defend its young - symbol of Christ. A partridge in a pear tree signifies the crucifixion of Jesus

Two Turtle Doves
The offering Mary and Joseph brought when He was 40 days old. Two turtle doves represent the Old and New Testaments.

Three French Hens
Symbol of the rich and represented the three wise men with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Three French hens represent the things that will last -faith, hope and charity (love).

Four Calling Birds
Four gospels - calling for people to be saved. Four gospels sing the song of salvation, referenced by the calling birds.

Five Golden Rings
First five books of the Old Testament. The greatest books to the Jews - worth more than gold. Five golden rings are the original books of the Bible given to Moses.

Six Geese A Laying
Eggs were a reminder of new life - 6 days of creation. Six geese a-laying symbolize the six days of creation.

Seven Swans A Swimming
Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit - changing us from ugly duckling to swans - new life in Christ. Seven swans stand for the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Eight Maids A Milking
Eight beautiful teachings of Jesus known as the Beatitudes. Eight maids a-milking are actually the eight beatitudes from the Bible.

Nine Ladies Dancing
Nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. Nine fruits of the Holy Spirit (from Galations 5) are dancing ladies.

Ten Lords A Leaping
Men with authority - God's Ten Commandments. Ten lords a-leaping are the Ten Commandments

Eleven Pipers Piping
Eleven Apostles who remained faithful - Piped His Word - He's alive. Eleven Pipers Piping represent Jesus' faithful disciples.

Twelve Drummers Drumming
Represent the 12 vital Christian beliefs in the Apostles Creed. Finally, 12 drummers drumming are actually the Apostles Creed


Apparently, the song was written in England as a "catechism" song.

From 1558 to 1829, it was illegal in England to be Catholic. Catholics could not practice their faith in public or in private. Persons identified as Catholic could lose all their property and even be imprisoned. Many of the estates in England had secret rooms called "Priest Holes" where priests could hide from the authorities.

The Twelve Days of Christmas was written as a teaching tool for young Catholics to instruct them in the meaning and content of the Christian faith. On the surface, the song is just a list of twelve silly gifts.

In fact, it is a memory aid to teach young children the tenets of their faith. They could sing this "silly" song in public without fear of imprisonment. The authorities would not know that it was a religious song.

Let's get back to basics. , What's on your mind? , What are you looking for?