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My Thoughts, or stories that come to my mind.

A new look

I just woke up. I always forget how wonderful the morning is when I am trying to wake up. Although, this morning is different. I look out the window, and watch the wind calmley tickle the tree branches. This time I see the first rays of sun blast through my room with incredible warmth and brightness.

But I have gotten far ahead of myself. I should start this right....

Last week I was walking down to the bus stop to go to school. It was a beautiful morning like this one, but for some reason, I didn't realize it. I wasn't usual for me to look at any of the mornings.
I suppose it was just like any morning, I went to the bus stop and watched the cars speed by as I waited patiently for the bus to come. Although, all I did was wait. And wait. And wait.
Then as I turned around to sit on the bench the bus came. A I look back now, I didn't see it turn the corner, and I think I should not have entered that bus, but as the door opened I felt inclined to go in. To let the bus take me to where I needed to go. But where I thought I needed to go and where the bus thought I needed to go were two different things that I would soon find out.

Normally the bus ride only took a few minutes to get me to school. By then I would be awake enough to get off and get started with the day. But that day last week I decided to sleep. I really didn't decide to sleep, I just fell asleep.

When I awoke, I saw the bus driver telling me "get up, this is the last stop for the day." I was disoriented, and and groggy. I had no idea what was going on.
Then I remembered that I was going to school. I got off the bus and it was real dark outside. Not the ordinary end of the day its nighttime dark out. Not even the moonless midnight hour in the deep forest dark. It was almost artificial. As if it was a hand-made dark.
So, I wandered out, wondering where I was. Noone was around and I felt all alone. I turned around to see the busdriver.
"What's the matter? You lost?" the busdriver asked.
"Yea, I suppose, umm, where am I?"
"You mean you don't know where you are?" he asked me, and now he looked quite worried. "Arn't you part of *the group*?"
I looked at him then looked around me, there was no one there but the two of us and the bus. "Umm, what group?" I foolishly asked. I knew I was in for it, but I had no idea where I was, so what the hey, I jsut went for it. But his reaction was much nicer then I think it could have been.
"All right, so your not part of the group. That is ok. I am sorry for the inconvience, but I am going to have to detain you untill I can get my ship-- er uh-- bus fixed." He hesitated and I knew something was up. Why in the world would someone have to worry about a ship? here? I mean, we are still on earth, arn't we? I thought.
I suppose he could sense my thoughts because then from behind me two --or was it three?-- beings jabbed my back. I think that they wanted me to go foward, so that is the way I went. Off into the darkness. But as I was being prodded off to who-knows-where I hear the bus driver speak to another being in a language I didn't know, but I did know that the sound of the bus driver was not too happy.

I woke up in a padded room. Or at least that is what I think it was, I was only able to explore one wall of it. It was black and very soft. A soft orange light illuminated myself and a tray of food that was carefully placed on the floor. I looked at it. It seemed edible. It was what looked like a peanut butter sandwich and and apple along with an orange liquid.
A rush of hunger overcame me, as if the sight of the food triggered a response. Hoping for the best, I reached over for the sandwich and started to eat. At the time, I had never had such a good sandwich. Everything seeemed wrong here and the fact that the sandwich was so good, so creamy, so sweet, and absolutely satisfying, I couldn't help but wonder what was going on here. I ate anyway.
I was sitting down contemplating the core of the sweet red apple that I just ate when I heard some laughter.

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