Episode 13

"When she was Bad"

Buffy returns to Sunnydale after a summer in Los Angeles, still not over her quick death brought by the dead Master. Besides a new look, she's also got a new attitude. She arouses and dumps Xander, Ignores Angel, and disses Willow. Unfortunately, the annointed one is making plans of bringing the master back to life. The secret ingredient is blood, not Buffy's but Giles', Willow's , Cordelia's and Ms. Calendar's.


My Review: Five Stars

A great suspenseful episode. This is probably the first time you will ever hate Buffy. Geez! As much as I love her, I just wanted to slap her (or dance with her in Xander's place). What a Beeeotch!!! In the end, everything is back to normal, and Buffy's circle of friends is unbroken.