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John Lotter was convicted of triple murder and sentenced to death.

He has maintained his innocence. Tom Nissen provided the basis of evidence against Lotter in exchange for his life.

He testified that Lotter shot and killed all three of the victims. Nissen has since recanted and now admits that he, not Lotter, shot and killed the three victims.

There is no physical evidence placing Lotter at the murder scene. No fingerprints, no footprints or tire tracks, nothing. Even such a basic thing as the Motive is wrong! The murder weapons and gloves, the courts will not test for DNA.

Now I ask you if you were going to kill someone would you use a knife with your last name on the sheath? I doubt it! If you were going to frame someone for murder would you want to use a knife with your victims name on the shealth?

The gay/lesbian community who are outraged at the law enforcements (prosecuting attorney) treatement of Brandon and failure to do their job properly and arrest the two for sexual assault do not seem to question the same people's investigation of the murders.

John has written Susan Sarandon and Elton John in an effort to get funds for an independant investigation, something the gay/lesbian bisexual transexual community should want since the local law enforcement is enept as well as having conflicts of interest.

The same prosecutors who trapped Lotter in a perjury trap when he lied (out of fear) about being in Lincoln had previously convicted Nissen of interfering with government operations for lying to police and telling them three men had stabbed him when actually he had done it himself. Lotters attorney knew about the pawn ticket John had signed, through the discovery process but did not inform John of the evidence the prosecutor had placing him in lincoln. Nissen's own stepmother wrote the prosecutor saying than Tom was a lying, scheming man who would say and do anything to save his own tail. This was ignored.

According to Joe Duggan's story in the Lincoln Journal Star entitled "Ten Years after Murders, Questions Still Linger" (which can be found on the News page of this site) A hair was found on the deceased Brandon's wrist which was determined not to be Lotters. Who's hair was it then? Did the authorities test to see if it was Nissen's, Tisdel's or anyone elses for that matter. This is DNA evidence! Which is also ignored!

If the hair belongs to anyone besides Nissen or the victims then someone else was there when the murders took place. This is crucial evidence that should be tested and determined exactly whose it is!

Lotter says that he was framed, I believe that is exactly what happened. If he is telling the truth then someone is getting away with murder and all the people who care about Brandon should not only want to find the truth but Demand It!

This website is a memorial to the victims and a call for a real investigation. Brandon deserves for the truth to be told!

Any money made from Movies, Books Etc that are purchased through this site will be used to get the word out and investigate this case. Email if you have any information about this, your privacy will be respected.

Thank You!


The False Motive
The Docu-Infomercial