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The False Motive

The prosecution, attempting to show premeditation and in order to prevent classification of the murders as a hate crime claims in their own closing argument that Tom Nissen knew and planned the murders because the night of the murders he stopped at his mothers and gave her power of attorney over his children because he knew he was going to prison for the murders. At the same time the prosecutors say the motive for the murders was to silence Teena Brandon and prevent her from testifying about the sexual assault. Tom Nissen could not have known he was going to prison and committed the murders in order to keep from going to prison! It cannot be both ways! I agree with the prosecutor that Nissen did give his mother power of attorney because he wanted her to care for them after he went to prison, this also means that the motive of silencing Brandon to stay out of prison is wrong! Motive is a key piece of the puzzle when solving crimes and a piece in which all other evidence relies, therefore a true motive needs to be established so the truth will prevail. Reading the prosecutors closing argument will reveal this mistake.