I have been receiving alot of E-Mail lately asking me to explain how to use mIRC. Specifically, what configuration is needed for file transfers. I have included this guide page in response to these questions.

First if you haven't already done so download the latest version of mIRC at mIRC.com

After installing, go to the File menu and then choose Options

Next, choose DCC in the Category menu. In the On Send Request group box, select Auto-Get File and then choose Resume under "If File Exists". Then, choose Auto-accept in the On Chat Request group box.

Lastly, select Folders under the DCC category. In the DCC Ignore group box, choose Disabled and make sure the "Turn Ignore Back on in" box is not checked.

Voila, your mIRC program is set to receive any file anyone sends you. Note, however, that this configuration will accept ANY file, so always scan your downloads for viruses before opening them. You can do this with programs such as Norton AntiVirus available free at Download.com
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