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God's Great Candlelight...



God’s Great Candlelight…

  A candle softly glowing…

Lit with love from God’s own hand…
A flame once brightly shining…
Now carried ‘cross the land…

It wasn’t light that man could make…
No human lit that flame...
It was one that glowed within…
Diana was her name…

God shaped this candle gently…
Using all His artful skill…
“I think I’ll make her beautiful…
Her loving lamp I’ll fill…”

I’ll lend her to the world I love…
Just for a little time…
So all there must remember…
This “loving light” is Mine…

The colors of her life will be…
Most precious in My sight…
And when her time is over…
Her flame will still burn bright…

For every candle lit from hers…
Glows brighter than before…
And one lit from the other…
And will forevermore…

It’s not the flame that’s burning…
That lights up the darkest night…
Or fame and worldly beauty…
Is God’s Great Candle Light…

But it’s the inner candle…
One, God lit there with His love…
That lasts when candles left on earth…
Are called back up above…

The candle of compassion…
A tender loving heart…
And All passed on the candle…
And it made a tiny spark…

Hand to hand and heart to heart…
They passed her candle on…
It never stopped a moment…
The light was never gone…

Her people came together…
All joined to share her light…
And those in love and honor made…
A brand new candle light...

And when her candle flickered…
Gone to where, great candles go…
All shared in God’s Great Candle Light
And in the lasting afterglow…
Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2002

  Diana’s flame will never go out…

Because it is carried…with love…
As Carefully passed on…
As nations pass..the Olympic torch…
One country to the other…person to person…
Hand to hand…heart to heart…
Never to go out…
Always moving…onward…upward…
When we carry...her candle of love and light…
We carry the flame of her life..
This candle of her memory…can never “go out”…
Beacause...she was lit from within…
That inner something...that each of us contain…
That is so special…
One of a kind and unique..
And placed there by God’s hand…
The earthly candle of her life…may be gone…
But she left behind…the love…the afterglow
That of God’s Great Candlelight…
And a light we all share…
Now and always…
Because we remember her…
With love…
Happy birthday...
Dear Diana...
In Loving Memory
Of the day God lit your candle…
July 1, 1961...
And in memory of the day…
August 31,1997…
You passed your candle on…
Your candle is safe in our hearts…
Now and Always…
Love Maria






Katies Tears
Used with permisssion
Copyright Bruce Deboer