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For the homeless woman...

A fragile woman, old and tired
Was once a lady, much admired…
Dressed in tatters, she is cold..
Life is hard when you are old...
She pauses in her walk today...
Hoping something comes her way;
Youth is gone … it passed her by...
Too hopeless now—to laugh or cry;
Once a mother, child and wife...
Friends are vanished from her life;
All she has is memories...
Of life and how it used to be...
She walks fear and dread...
Thinking they will find her dead...
No one cares... I’m all alone...
No place to go—or call my home..
Take me Lord….please let me die..
She doesn’t even want to try...
But on she walks….her lot in life...
Once a rich mans pampered wife…
She thinks of times so long ago...
She never could she know?
That she would have to live this way...
To live… to walk…..another day…

Maria Lindberg
July 13, 2000

I wrote this poem
From my journey to England...July 2000...
Along with the wonderful people I met...
And the beauty of the country...
I also saw another side...
a side I never thought of in connection with so much wealth...
The homeless are everywhere...
Street corners...bus stations...the underground...
Even staking their claim on a cold night
On a side walk in front of the theater...
These lost souls...
This is about one I saw and touched briefly
When I gave her some money for breakfast...
I had to wonder...
Who she was...
How she came to be there...
All alone...asleep...
Standing upside a building...
Her body so frail it was as if
A wind could blow her away...
I cried and cried after I got back to my nice hotel...
My daughter waiting for me...
Plenty of food to eat...
A warm bed to crawl into...
After a day of sightseeing...
I had all these things...
And she had nothing but the clothes on her back...
And a little cart with all she owned in it...
This was one of the people
Diana loved..and walked among...
The old..the sick..the poor..
The helpless...
Diana was none of these things...
But she walked there just the same...
She reached out in the only way she could... I for so long...
Wanted to walk the paths Diana walked...
And to try to unearth the mystery
Of why she moved me so much...
I didn't find it in a palace... Or even at Althorp...
Or when I saw all the crown jewels
Of the Queen of England...
I saw it in an old and helpless woman...
And in my minds eye...
I could see Diana touching her face...
Giving her her her comfort...
Giving of herself...
The mystery was just that she tried...
As best she could...
She failed at times...
But she smiled...gave even more of herself...
And went on with it...
And that is the London...
Diana's London I found...
One they don't tell you about in the tour books...
You have to walk with your heart to get there...
And thanks to Diana..I did...
I walked with her there...
Through my love for her...
I followed where she led...
I came...
I saw...
I learned...
That is what it is all about..
Isn't it?

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