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Bastet ( Bast, Ubasti )

Egyptian sun, cat and of the home goddess. As a sun goddess she represents the warm, life giving power of the sun. A goddess of the home, pregnant women and of the domestic cat, although she sometimes took on the war-like aspect of a lioness. Normally said to be the daughter of the sun god Ra, but sometimes her father was said to be Amun. Bastet was wife of Ptah and mother of the lion-god Mihos. She was depicted as a cat or in human form with the head of a cat, often holding the sistrum. Her cult was centered on her sanctuary at Bubastis in the Delta region. A necropolis has been found there, containing mummified cats.


Much thanks to the Glossary of Egyptian Mythology ©1997 Deurer
The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt © 1991 M. Bunson, where I got some of my gods, goddess and definitions

Everything on my sites is either mine or used from somewhere else with the thought that it was okay to display.
All images are used for personal entertainment only, not for monetary gain.
No copyright infringement is intended.

If this isn't true email me and I'll fix it.
If you want a picture, please be sure to site the original owner of it, not here.