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Many people have a slight case of kyphosis (rounding of the upper back) due to deskwork or other occupational situations. Shoulder exercises performed sitting or standing may help to alleviate this problem, reduce stress, improve circulation, and provide a moment of relaxation. Here are some exercises and their benefits:

* Shoulder shrugs (these stretch latissimus dorsi, trapezius, deltoids, and pectoralis major): Allow your arms and hands to hang from the shoulders in a relaxed manner. Raise your shoulders to your ears and then lower them back down, then lift one shoulder at a time. Repeat three to six times.
* Shoulder circles (these stretch latissimus dorsi, trapezius, deltoids, and pectoralis major): Allow your arms and hands to hang from the shoulders in a relaxed manner. Use a backward circular motion with both shoulders, and then repeat with one shoulder at a time. Repeat three to six times.
* Hands clasp over head (these stretch latissimus dorsi and tricep brachii): Clasp your hands over your head and press your palms toward the ceiling. Stretch your arms up and back. Stretch to one side and repeat to other side. Repeat three to six times.

Remember: If standing, keep the knees slightly bent to prevent injury.