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Diana's Poem

As you looked At me
In my pictures
You saw yourself.
As I smiled to you
You smiled to yourself.
As I hid my eyes to hide my sorrow
You looked at me and tried to see your own.
As you trace your pain and sorrow
Back to the source...
You will see that it all comes from Love.
Love that hides itself from You.
By your own thoughts of fear.
But love has the ability of magnetism,
Love will once again attract you
Into your own soul,
Into your own knowing.
So if you wish,
Stay on and keep looking at me…
And in one of the pictures,
In one of the smiles,
In one of the tears,
You might find that it is your own.
For so I have loved you
That I allowed myself
To show you Me
In order for You to see yourself.
I love You!
I Am

Rita Eide
Meeting the Spirit
Copy Right 2001

Celestial Voice

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Journey into my heart
