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Thistle Kennsington Garden
It was dark..I walked over the night before they cleared the room for me..I was hopeing it would come out better..but it is a beautiful elegant and right around the corner from my hotel.

This is the lobby..what she would have seen as she checked in. The chandelier was out of this world beautiful.

This is her room..The door number was 924

These are the roses I left for her on the bed..I ordered a dozen pink roses..there were 9 in the bouquet for Jennifer...3 of the dozen ...I had the florist..put into my flowers for Diana..since the two of them bought me there..
One for each year Jennifer has been gone.

Anoter view.

The colors of the room were beautiful...all pastel green and pink..colors Jennifer would have loved..They had just this is what it would have looked like then.

This is the desk area..a little seat to the right to sit and write letters..Or perhaps eat a meal.

I wore Jennifers ring to London the whole time..and set it by the phone where she called you that last time.

The view out her window..

My Flowers for Diana and Jennifer..

The day before Jennifer died..she had put the do not disturb sign on the door. Mary Graham, the maid,called her room and asked didn't she want them to clean it..maybe leave fresh towels at least....She said was fine...Just very tired. She had already ordered her breakfast for the next day. The next day, they left her breakfast by the door as the do not disturb sign was still there..later on that day..around noon..the maid Mary noticed the tray was still there..she knocked on the door and no answer. She called the room..there was no answer. She got the head maid..who opend the soon as they entered..they saw Jennifer was dead..She was laying on her side..hand pillowed under her she just went to sleep. She said she looked very peaceful..Mary was only about 22 then..She is a Irish Catholic..She crossed herself and said a prayer for the dead..They called the manager and he came and called the police and the proper authorities.It upset the staff greatly..she was so young and Mary said so quiet ..She said Jennifer didn't want to trouble anyone she said that it seemed to her..They have had elderly die before in the hotel..but never someone so young..and it affected them all..a boy at the desk told me he was only 18..and remembers it they were all so upset about it..The manager called most of them together so they could feel a little better. She said you can be sure..your Jennifer was treated with the utmost kindness and respect..Mary said, When she went home that night..she lit a Blessed candle in Jennifers memory..and she would remember Jennifer always. The concierge,left me in the room alone for a few minutes for me to take the pictures and pray for I knelt at the foot of her bed..I cried and cried..I didn't know I would feel so deeply..but I did..and I asked God to watch over her..To give you... her mother peace..and I thanked her and Diana for bringing you and I together..and for arranging for all the pieces to come I could do this for you. It affected me deeply Mama Bee..I was trying hours later to tell Susan about what happened..and I started crying all over again.I hope in some way this can help you know your Jennifers last few hours..and help you to accept her death..well as best as you can.
Love Maria

I Miss You

Jennifer's Song

I Love You Mom

Reunited By Our Love

