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Grampa & Gramma Finch
Grampa & Gramma Finch
I have decided that there should be an album dedicated to gramma and grampa. Theirs was a great love. I always felt that love lived in their home, it was something I actually felt when I walked into it. Grampa gave up an education in art in order to marry Gramma. She said that she wouldn't marry him until he was out of school because in those days being married meant children and responsiblity which he didn't need while in school. So he didn't go, and they were married
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A young Frederick Conrad Finch
A young Frederick Conrad Finch 
Grampa Finch was born Frederick Conrad Bradshaw in 1896. His mother, Lois (Dunker) ABradshaw divorced his father, George Clifford Bradshaw on October 25, 1898 for extreme cruelty and they gave Grampa up for adoption. He was adopted by Mary (Kitch) and Henry Finch.

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