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Patron Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick's Day (March 17th), is an Irish holiday
honoring Saint Patrick, the missionary credited with
converting the Irish to Christianity. He used the shamrock,
which resembles a three-leafed clover, as a metaphor
to explain the concept of the Trinity (father, son, holy spirit).

The Shamrock
There's a dear little plant that grows in our isle
'Twas Saint Patrick himself sure that set it
And the sun on his labor with pleasure did smile
And a tear from his eyes oft-times wet it
It grows through the bog, through the brake, through the mireland
And they call it the dear little Shamrock of Ireland
(Irish Blessing)

In America, Saint Patrick's Day is a basically a time
to wear green and party. The first American celebration
of Saint Patrick's Day was in Boston, Massachusetts, in
1737. As the saying goes, on this day "everybody is Irish!"
Over 100 U.S. cities now hold Saint Patrick's Day parades,
the largest held in New York City.

Irish fairy. Looks like a small, old man (about 2 feet tall),
often dressed like a shoemaker,with a cocked hat and a
leather apron. According to legend, leprechauns are aloof
and unfriendly, live alone, and pass the time making
shoes...they also possess a hidden pot of gold. Treasure
hunters can often track down a leprechaun by the sound
of his shoemaker's hammer. If caught, he can be forced
(with the threat of bodily violence) to reveal the
whereabouts of his treasure, but the captor must keep
their eyes on him every second. If the captor's eyes
leave the leprechaun (and he often tricks them into
looking away), he vanishes and all hopes of finding the
treasure are lost.

The Leprechaun
Near a misty stream in Ireland in the hollow of a tree
Live mystical, magical leprechauns who are clever as can be
With their pointed ears, and turned up toes and little coats of green
The leprechauns busily make their shoes and try hard not to be seen.
Only those who really believe have seen these little elves
And if we are all believers
We can surely see for ourselves.
(Irish Blessing)

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