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I wish i had another heart

I wish i had another heart

so that i wont feel the pain

the pain of my heart

hurting day by day

breaking into millions of bits

finding it hard to accept the truth

the truth that it could not be healed

oh i wish i had another heart

I would give all i have for this pain to go

I tell my heart everyday to heal but it tells me no

so i live in suffering hoping for a cure

some kind of miracle that can make my heart pure

Oh how i wish i had another heart

Our love was like lightning

It hit us and then went away

leaving us helpless, just like

the damage lightnig does to a tree

just like an accident, we were not warned

of what could happen to two hearts that merge

together forever we wished we can be

drowning in the sea of love never wanting to be set free

lost in each other so emotionaly attached

Until the unexpected finaly came

destroying both hearts like water destroys fire

leaving us hanging like two birds on a wire

unable to escape each other

Oh how i wish i had another heart

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