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High School Lover

How did it feel, that night we parted

Were you heartbroken, or happy

I really couldn't tell how you felt

You were so good at hiding your feelings

But you were very good at knowing mine

You played with my feelings

Just like a guitarist plays with his strings

You used me for many things

You never were honest when you talked to me

I caught you allot of times cheating on me

While I never once cheated on thee

You always blamed your weakness expecting sympathy

But all you really wanted was for me, to let go of thee

So your wish came true at the end

The wish you had in your heart for me to set you free

And let you move on with your life let you be

Like a wondering soul that wonders around, like a bird that's free

Expecting nothing from life, accept everything for free

You shocked me so much that I stood still like a tree

Wondering what to do and, what will become of me

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