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Lost Hope

I wonder why you loved me

I'll never wonder why i loved you

and why i still love you

You have so much love in your heart

while i abused your love and threw it back

back to a place i dont know where

If i knew that place i'll go back to find it

Ive searched the whole world and i still cant find it

What did you do with it

now i realise that you've destroyed it

making it unavalible to all

what a fool I am

I still have hope that one day it will appear

But I dont have hope that it will be given to me

You gave me everything you had

I gave you everything except love

while all you ever asked for was love

to make up an excuse is to make up a lie

your tongue might forgive me but your heart will not

I never deserved you or your love

now i also throw away my heart

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