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The Feeling Of Love

The feeling of love is like no other feeling

It can make you forgot everything including yourself

It can change your life completely against your will

Leaving you helpless without a clue

Without a clue on what to do, if you lost that feeling

Maybe the easiest thing to do would be to cry

But if everyone was to cry

We would have another ocean, a bitter ocean it would be

So bitter that nothing could live in it, it will be empty

Just like the heart becomes when it loses that feeling

Some people go through life without experiencing a broken heart

Those people are either lucky, unlucky or maybe both

Lucky, if loves been for them a bed of roses all through life

Unlucky, if they never experience the feeling of love

Both, if they pretend they are in love when really they are not

But are happy to live that way for the happiness of their partner

A partner that is deeply in love
